Dr Boris Leroy_DSC1360

Lecturer at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle

Macroecology of aquatic communities, response to global change

Lab. Macroecology & Biodiversity, UMR 7208 BOREA Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems Biology

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

Current funded projects

  • Project REPCCOAI: Response of the Pelagic Ecosystem to Climate Change in the Indian Austral Ocean PIs: Philippe Koubbi & Jean-Yves Toullec
  • Project Labex 2017-2018: Valuing natural history collections and naturalist expeditions for the conservation and management of deep sea habitats: the Tropical Deep Sea Benthos program. PIs: Sarah Samadi, Boris Leroy & Maud Mouchet.
  • Project Labex 2017-2018: New biodiversity indicators based on phylogenetic originality and species extinction probability: identification of HEDGE and LEDGE species. PIs: Sandrine Pavoine & Boris Leroy
  • Project ANR-FEM TROPHIK 2016-2019: Ecosystemic approach of Renewable Marine Energies: Modelling the role of offshore windfarms in modifying coastal trophic network functionning and cumulated impacts of other drivers of change. PI: Nathalie Niquil
  • WP 2 of Biodiversa 2017-2019: « Between Scylla and Charybdis – managing connectivity for freshwater fish ». PI: Göran Englund.

Scientific production


  • Lead Author for the International Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), deliverable 2b Regional assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services, Europe and Central Asia.


    • Responsible of the PhD training course (5 days) ‘Species Distribution Models and Climate Change’ at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle doctoral school.
    • Co-responsible with Maud Mouchet of the PhD training course (5 days) ‘Introduction to Biogeography: Concepts and Methods’ at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle doctoral school.
    • Co-responsible with Maud Mouchet of the master’s degree unit of teaching “Biogeography and Macroecology” (UE BIME) of the master 2 Ecology Biodiversity Evolution
  • Teaching activities in the masters of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle and Université Pierre & Marie Curie.


Current supervisions

  • Lissette Victorero, Tropical Deep Sea Benthos. Post-doctoral project, co-supervised with Sarah Samadi & Maud Mouchet. 2018-2019
  • Marine Robuchon, phylogenetic originality and extinction risks. Post-doctoral project, co-supervised with Sandrine Pavoine.
  • Jules Coignard, pêcheries profondes. 2ème année d’école d’ingénieur, co-supervised with Lissette Victorero.

Former supervisions

    • Rémy Le Goff, thermal limits of the Soutern Ocean lanternfishes. Undergraduate (Licence 2) student.
    • Juliette Delavenne, Tropical Deep Sea Benthos. Post-doctoral project, co-supervised with Sarah Samadi & Maud Mouchet.
    • Baptiste Sérandour, biogeography of the austral ocean. Master’s degree, Sorbonne Universités, co-supervised with Philippe Koubbi.
    • Tarek Hattab, Ecological niche modelling of coastal marine communities. Post-doctoral project, co-supervised with Grégory Beaugrand.
    • Thierry Jouhanique, Sensitivity of engineer species of the Seine bay to Climate Change. Master’s degree, University of Paris Sud XI, co-supervised with Tarek Hattab.
    • Claire Godet, Biogeography of the pelagic ecosystem of the Indian Austral Ocean. Master’s degree, University Pierre & Marie Curie, co-supervised with Marine Robuchon and Cédric Cotté.
    • Valentina Cima, “Modelling the geographic distribution of patrimonial species in France”. Master’s degree, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 2016, co-supervised with Isabelle Witté.
    • Chéïma Barhoumi, “Can similarity metrics be suitable for evaluating species distribution models?”. Master’s degree, University of Paris Sud XI, 2016, co-supervised with Morgane Barbet-Massin.
    • Emilien Giraud, “Impacts of non native species on the delineation of freshwater fish biogeographic regions at the global scale”. Master’s degree, University of Rouen, 2016.
  • Robin Delsol,”Analysis of species distribution models predictions using virtual species in the context of climate change”. Master’s degree, University of Rennes 1, 2015, co-supervised with Céline Bellard & Franck Courchamp.


Ecology Letters, Global Ecology & Biogeography, Journal of Applied Ecology, Diversity & Distributions, Ecography, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Journal of Insect Conservation, Ecology & Evolution, African Journal of Ecology, Science China Life Sciences, Arachnologische Mitteilungen, PLoS one.


    • 2009-2012 : Ph.D. thesis, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France
    • 2007-2009 : Master of science Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
    • 2004-2007 : Licence in Organism biology, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France
  • 2002-2004 : French two year’s degree in chemistry and physics, University du Littoral-Côte d’Opale, Calais, France

Previous positions

Jan. – Sep. 2014: Post-doctoral fellow, Univ. Paris XI

Climate change impacts on economically important invasive insects, supervised by F. Courchamp, UMR 8079 Ecology, Systematics & Evolution, Team Population & Community Ecology, University Paris XI South

2013 : Postdoctoral contracts for research & teaching

Biodiversity response (terrestrial & marine communities, invasive species) to environmental changes, Biodiversity et Territory Management Laboratory, Campus de Beaulieu, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France

2009-2012: PhD

Using biodiversity databases for the conservation of invertebrate taxa: Assemblage-level indices of rarity and species distribution models, Ph.D. publicly defended the 12th of December, 2012; summa cum laude. Supervised by Frédéric Ysnel (Lecturer, University of Rennes 1) and Alain Canard (Professor, University of Rennes 1) at Biodiversity & Territory Management Lab., Campus de Beaulieu, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France.

Examination board

Pr. E. Feunteun, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Dinard, France. (President)
Pr. M. Dufrêne, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique. (Referee)
Dr. P. Jay-Robert, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier, France. (Referee)
Dr. R. Julliard, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. (Examiner)
Dr. A.P. Møller, Université de Paris Sud, Orsay, France. (Examiner)
Dr. A.S.L. Rodrigues, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier, France. (Examiner)
Dr. F. Ysnel, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France. (Advisor)
Pr. A. Canard, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France. (Co-advisor)
M. L. Poncet, Service du Patrimoine Naturel, MNHN, Paris, France. (Invited member)