logo-rgBoris Leroy's citations

PDFs disponibles sur demande par mail : leroy.boris@gmail.com

International peer-reviewed journals


31. Morel L., Jung V., Leroy B., Villéger S., Clément B., Schnitzler A., Ysnel F. Changes in community assembly processes during succession increase biodiversity and affect plant community trajectories. Status : “It’s complicated”

In Press

30. Leroy B., Dias MS, Giraud E, Hugueny B, Jézéquel C,  Leprieur F, Oberdorff T, Tedesco PA. Global biogeographical regions of freshwater fish species. Journal of Biogeography [link]

29. Louppe V, Leroy B, Herrel V, Veron G. 2019. Current and future climatic regions favourable for a globally introduced wild carnivore, the raccoon Procyon lotor. Scientific Reports [link]
Coverage in National Geographic

28. Meynard CN, Kaplan DM, Leroy B. Testing methods in speciesd distribution modelling using virtual species: what have we learnt and what are we missing? Ecography [link]

27. Meynard CN, Kaplan DM, Leroy B. 2019. Detecting outliers in species distribution data: some caveats and clarifications on a virtual species study. Journal of Biogeography [link]

26. Robuchon M, Faith DP, Julliard R, Leroy B, Pellens R, Robert A, Thévenin C, Veron S, Pavoine S. 2019. Species lineage splitting increase estimates of evolutionary history at risk. In revision in Biological Conservation. [link]

25. Robuchon M, Leroy B, Jézéquel C, Hugueny B. 2019. Correlations between broad-scale taxonomic and genetic differentiations suggest a dominant imprint of historical processes on beta diversities. Journal of Biogeography [link]

24. Morel L., Dujol B., Courtial C., Vasseur M., Leroy B., Ysnel F. 2019. Spontaneous recovery of functional diversity and rarity of ground-living spiders shed light on the conservation importance of recent woodlands. Biodiversity and Conservation [link]


23. Leroy B., Delsol R., Meynard C.N., Hugueny B. & Bellard C. 2018. Without quality presence-absence data, discrimination metrics such as TSS can be misleading measures of model performance. Journal of Biogeography [link]

22. Bellard C., Jeschke J., Leroy B. & Mace G.M. 2018. Insights from modelling studies on how climate change affects invasive alien species geography. Ecology & Evolution 8:5688-5700 [link]

21. Pétillon J., Leroy B., Djoudi E.A. & Vedel V. 2018. Small and large spatial scale coexistence of Ctenid spiders in a neotropical forest (French Guiana). Tropical Zoology. 31:85-98 [link]

20. Mammola S. & Leroy B. 2018. Applying species distribution models to caves and other subterranean ecosystems. Ecography 41:1194-1208 [lien]

19. Hervé, V., Leroy B., Da Silva Pires A. & Lopez, P.J. 2018. Aquatic urban ecology at the scale of a capital : community structure and interactions in street gutters. The ISME Journal 12:253-266 [link]


18. Bellard C., Rysman J.-F., Leroy B. , Claud C. & Mace G.M. 2017 Islands and invaders: a global picture to determine vulnerable regions. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:1862-1869 [link]

17. Gillard M., Thiebaut G., Deleu C. & Leroy B. 2017. Present and future distribution of three aquatic plant taxa across the world: decrease in native and increase in invasive ranges. Biological Invasions 19:2159-2170.  [link]

16. Hawkins B.A., Leroy B., Rodríguez M.Á., Singer A., Villalobos F., Wang X., & Zelený D. 2017. Structural bias in aggregated trait variables driven by repeated species co-occurrences : a pervasive problem in community and assemblage data. Journal of Biogeography 44:1199-1211. [link]

15. Leroy B., Gallon R., Feunteun E., Robuchon M. & Ysnel F. 2017. Cross-taxon congruence in the rarity of subtidal rocky marine assemblages : no taxonomic shortcut for conservation monitoring. Ecological Indicators 77:239-249 [link]


14. Bradshaw C.J.A., Leroy B., Bellard C., Albert C., Roiz D., Barbet-Massin M., Fournier A., Salles J.M., Simard F. & Courchamp F. 2016. Massive yet grossly underestimated global costs of invasive insects. Nature Communications 7:12986 [link]

13. Bellard C., Leroy B., Thuiller W., Rysman J.-F. & Courchamp F. 2016. Major drivers of invasions risks throughout the world. Ecosphere  7:e01241 [link]

12. Leroy B., Meynard C.N., Bellard C., Courchamp F. 2016. virtualspecies: an R package to generate virtual species distributions. Ecography 39:599-607 [link]


 11. Potier S., Carpentier A., Grémillet D., Leroy B., Lescroël, A. 2015. Individual repeatability of foraging behaviour in a generalist marine predator. Animal Behaviour 103:83-90 [link]


10. Gallon R., Robuchon M., Leroy B., Le Gall, L., Valero M., Feunteun E. 2014. 20 years of observed and predicted changes in subtidal red seaweed assemblages along a biogeographical transition zone: inferring potential causes from environmental data. Journal of Biogeography 41:2293-2306 [link]

9. Bellard C., Leclerc C., Leroy B., Bakkenes M., Veloz S., Thuiller W. & Courchamp F. 2014. Vulnerability of biodiversity hotspots to global change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23:1376–1386 [link]

8. Leroy B., Le Viol I., Pétillon J. 2014. Complementarity of rarity, specialisation and functional diversity metrics to assess community responses to environmental changes, using an example of spiders in salt marshes. Ecological Indicators 46:351-357 [link]

7. Puzin C., Leroy B. & Pétillon J.  2014. Intra- and inter-specific variation in size and habitus of two sibling spider species (Araneae: Lycosidae): taxonomic and biogeographic insights from sampling across Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113:85-96[link]

6. Leroy B., Bellard C., Dubos N., Colliot A., Vasseur M., Courtial C., Bakkenes M., Canard A. & Ysnel F. 2014. Forecasted climate and land use changes, and protected areas: the contrasting case of spiders. Diversity and Distributions 20:686-697 [link]


5. Bellard C., Thuiller W., Leroy B., Genovesi P., Bakkenes M. & Courchamp F. 2013. Will climate change promote future invasions? Global Change Biology 19:3740-3748 [link]

4.  Leroy B., Canard A. & Ysnel F. 2013. Integrating multiple scales in rarity assessments of invertebrate taxa. Diversity and Distributions 19:794-803 [link]

3.  Leroy B., Paschetta M., Canard A., Bakkenes M., Isaia M. & Ysnel F. 2013. First assessment of effects of environmental change on threatened spiders: potential impacts on Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck) and its conservation plans. Biological Conservation 161:155-163 [link]


2.  Leroy B., Pétillon J., Gallon R., Canard A. & Ysnel F. 2012. Improving occurrence-based rarity metrics in conservation studies by including multiple rarity cut-offs. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5:159-168 [link]


1.  Leroy B., Morel L., Eybert M.C., Ysnel F. & Georges A. 2011. Rehabilitation project of a managed marsh: biodiversity assessment of different management measures. Procedia Environmental Sciences 9:96-103

National peer-reviewed journals


1. Pétillon J., Leroy B., Canard A. & Ysnel F. 2010. Les araignées au fil de la gestion. Espaces naturels 31:36-37 [link PDF]

Software / packages

2. Leroy B. 2014-2019. virtualspecies: Generation of Virtual Species Distributions. R package [link]

1. Leroy B. 2013-2019. Rarity: Calculation of rarity indices for species and assemblages of species. R package [link]