
This page contains all the scripts and analyses used for the paper on the global costs of biological invasions. This code also includes exploratory analyses which were not used in the paper.

The code is based on the invacost R package which is available on CRAN. To read a step-by-step tutorial, see here:

Note that the InvaCost database is a dynamic resource, and its content is continuously updated. We provide here in the Data loading step a fixed snapshot of the database used for the paper, for full reproducibility.

For more information, or questions regarding the analyses, please write to , and

Data loading


# Snapshot of the InvaCost version used in the manuscript
invacost <- getInvaCostVersion("2.1")
invacost <- invacost[-grep("NE", invacost$Cost_ID),]
invacost <- invacost[-grep("SC", invacost$Cost_ID),]

invacost <- invacost[-which($Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
length(which(invacost$Implementation == "Potential"))
invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
length(which(invacost$Method_reliability == "Low"))
invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]


# Expanding and formating the database
db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
                                  startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
                                  endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")

Figure A. Global costs

# Raw average ---------------
global.raw <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time, 
                             minimum.year = 1970,
                             maximum.year = 2017)

# Cost trend over time ---------------
db.over.time$Publication_lag <- db.over.time$Publication_year - db.over.time$Impact_year

quantiles <- quantile(db.over.time$Publication_lag, probs = c(.25, .5, .75))

# # Assigning weights
# # Below 25% the weight does not matter because years will be removed
# year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["25%"])] <- 0
# # Between 25 and 50%, assigning 0.25 weight
# year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["50%"]) &
#                names(year_weights) < (2017 - quantiles["25%"])] <- .25
# # Between 50 and 75%, assigning 0.5 weight
# year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["75%"]) &
#                names(year_weights) < (2017 - quantiles["50%"])] <- .5

global.trend <- modelCosts(
  db.over.time, # The EXPANDED database
  minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017,
  # Some years are so incomplete that we eliminate with our 25% threshold (see above)
  incomplete.year.threshold = 2017 - quantiles["25%"], 
  incomplete.year.weights = NULL,
  mars.nprune = 10)

global.raw$average.cost.per.period$middle.years <- global.raw$average.cost.per.period$initial_year +
    (global.raw$average.cost.per.period$final_year - 
       global.raw$average.cost.per.period$initial_year) / 2 

global.trend$$Calibration <- factor(global.trend$$Calibration,
                                             levels = c("Included", "Excluded"))

p1 <- ggplot(global.raw$average.cost.per.period) +
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions")) +
  # Points
  geom_point(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
                        y = "annual_cost")) +
  # Lines between points
  geom_line(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
                       y = "annual_cost"),
            linetype = 2) +
  # Horizontal bars (year span)
  geom_segment(aes_string(x = "initial_year",
                          xend = "final_year",
                          y = "annual_cost",
                          yend = "annual_cost")) +
  geom_point(data = global.trend$,
             aes(x = Year, y = Annual.cost,
                 shape = Calibration),
             alpha = .6)

p1 <- p1 +
      xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l")

p1 <- p1 + 
  # stat_smooth(data = global.trend$estimated.annual.costs[-grep("Quantile", global.trend$estimated.annual.costs$model), ],
  #             aes(x = Year, y = fit)) + # To see the shape of model average
  geom_line(data = global.trend$estimated.annual.costs[global.trend$estimated.annual.costs$model == "OLS regression" &
                                                            global.trend$estimated.annual.costs$Details == "Linear", ],
                aes_string(x = "Year",
                           y = "fit"),
                size = 1, alpha = .6) +
  geom_text(data = global.raw$average.cost.per.period,
            aes(x = initial_year,
                y = annual_cost + 0.25 * annual_cost,
                label =  scales::comma(annual_cost)),
            hjust = 0, size = 4) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.position = c(.15, .85),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 12))

pdf("./figure1.pdf", height = 5, width = 8)
## png 
##   2

We found that biological invasions costed in US$ billion 1,288.09 (2017 US$) to human societies since 1970 (N = 1319 cost data; see Methods for details on the data processing). On average, invasions costed US$ billion 26.84 per year (Figure 1); however, the average cost during recent years was higher with US$ billion 83.31 per year between 2000 and 2009.

Raw cost for 2010-2017: 29.20

However, these figures do not account for the unsaturated increase in invasions for the past 50 years and their effects on costs. When we modelled the temporal trends of costs (Appendix global.1, global.2), we found a more-than-3-fold increase in annual costs every 10 years since 1970. (Examples for linear regressions: OLS linear regression 3.53-fold increase every 10 year; Robust linear regression, 3.07-fold increase every 10 year).

Our regressions over time predicted that the average annual cost of invasions in 2017 ranged between US$ billion 47 and 163 depending on the model, with an average value at US$ billion 93.

Table Global costs

Here are the predicted values of all models for key years:

key.years <- global.trend$estimated.annual.costs
key.years <- key.years[which(key.years$Year %in% c(1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2017)), ]
# key.years <- key.years[-grep("Quantile", key.years$model), ] # Omit quantile because they don't estimate average trend
key.years <- key.years[-which(key.years$model == "OLS regression" &
                                key.years$Details == "Quadratic"), ] # Omit OLS quad because not significant

key.years <- tidyr::spread(key.years[, 1:4], key = Year, value = fit)
key.years[, c("1970", "1980", "1990", "2000", "2010", "2017")] <- data.frame(lapply(key.years[c("1970", "1980", "1990", "2000", "2010", "2017")], scales::comma))

# Ordering models
key.years <- key.years[c(3, 7, 8, 2, 1,  4, 5, 6), ]

model Details 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2017
3 OLS regression Linear 245.4 866.0 3,056 10,783 38,051 91,980
7 Robust regression Linear 239.4 735.6 2,260 6,945 21,340 46,823
8 Robust regression Quadratic 372.6 678.9 1,674 5,582 25,182 86,535
2 MARS 725.6 725.6 1,025 32,548 18,322 162,719
1 GAM 414.8 673.7 1,720 7,771 29,968 78,795
4 Quantile regression Quantile 0.1 150.4 407.1 1,102 2,984 8,079 16,224
5 Quantile regression Quantile 0.5 215.4 707.1 2,321 7,620 25,017 57,493
6 Quantile regression Quantile 0.9 695.9 3,872.7 21,553 119,950 667,562 2,219,916

Our results also showed that there is a strong inter-annual variation in cost data, with a limited number of years having a very high economic cost, and the majority of years having below-average economic costs (Figure 1, Appendix global.2). This inter-annual heterogeneity can either reflect an actual pattern of boom and bust impacts, where invasive species have high economic impacts on specific years followed by a lower impact afterwards (i.e., systems collapse or adapt), or a lack of data for most years.

Figure B. Costs per taxonomic group

# year_weights -> tmp
year_weights <- NULL
# year_weights <- tmp

Plants <- list(
  Plants = db.over.time[db.over.time$Kingdom %in% "Plantae", ],
  Liliopsida = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% c("Liliosida", 
                                                "Liliopsida"), ],
  Magnoliopsida = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Magnoliopsida", ],
  Pinopsida = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Pinopsida", ],
  # poly = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Polypodiopsida", ], # Cost really small
  Ulvophyceae = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Ulvophyceae", ]
Invertebrates <-list(
  Invertebrates =  db.over.time[db.over.time$Phylum %in% 
                                    "Nematoda"), ],
  Insecta = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Insecta", ],
  Bivalvia = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Bivalvia", ],
  Gastropoda = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Gastropoda", ],
  Secernentea = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Secernentea", ]
Vertebrates <- list(
  Vertebrates = db.over.time[db.over.time$Phylum %in% "Chordata", ],
  Amphibia = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Amphibia", ],
  Reptilia = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Reptilia", ],
  Aves = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Aves", ],
  Mammalia = db.over.time[db.over.time$Class %in% "Mammalia", ]

Mixed <- list(
  Mixed = db.over.time[which(
    db.over.time$Kingdom %in% c("Animalia/Plantae", "Diverse/Unspecified") |
      !(db.over.time$Kingdom %in% "Plantae") &
      db.over.time$Phylum %in% c("Diverse/Unspecified")), ]
obs.impact <- list()
pred.impact <- list()

groups <- c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates", "Mixed")

summary.costs <- data.frame()
for (group in groups)
  obs.impact[[group]] <- map(get(group),
                             minimum.year = 1970,
                             maximum.year = 2017)
  pred.impact[[group]] <- 
        function(x, db, raw, ...)
          if(length(which([[x]]$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost))) <= 1) # Only fit models for taxa for which we have data for at least 4 decades
          } else
        db = get(group),
        raw = obs.impact[[group]],
        minimum.year = 1970, 
        maximum.year = 2017,
        final.year = 2017,
        # Some years are so incomplete that we eliminate with our 25% threshold (see above)
        incomplete.year.threshold = 2017 - quantiles["25%"], 
        # For the other incomplete years we apply the vector of weights that we defined above
        incomplete.year.weights = year_weights
  names(pred.impact[[group]]) <- names(get(group))

  for (taxon in names(get(group)))
    summary.costs <-
        Group = group,
        Taxon = taxon,
        Type.cost = "Observed",
        Cost.period = paste0(obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$$initial_year,
                             " - ", obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$$final_year),
        Average.annual.cost = obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$$annual_cost,
        Signif = NA,
        Cumulated.cost = obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$$total_cost,
        lwr = NA,
        upr = NA))
    summary.costs <-
        Group = group,
        Taxon = taxon,
        Type.cost = "Observed",
        Cost.period = paste0(obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year[
          obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year %in% c(2000, 2010)
          " - ", obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$final_year[
            obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year %in% c(2000, 2010)
        Average.annual.cost = obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost[
          obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year %in% c(2000, 2010)
        Signif = NA,
        Cumulated.cost = obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$total_cost[
          obs.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year %in% c(2000, 2010)
        lwr = NA,
        upr = NA))
      estimated.costs <-  data.frame(Group = group,
                                     Taxon = taxon,
                                     Type.cost = "Estimated",
                                     Cost.period = NA,
                                     Average.annual.cost = NA,
                                     Signif = NA,
                                     Cumulated.cost = NA,
                                     lwr = NA,
                                     upr = NA)
    } else
      estimated.costs <- data.frame(
        Group = group,
        Taxon = taxon,
        Type.cost = "Estimated",
        Cost.period = as.character(pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$parameters$final.year),
        Average.annual.cost = pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$final.year.cost["robust.linear"],
        Signif = pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$model.summary$robust.linear$coefficients["Year", "Pr(>|t|)"],
        Cumulated.cost = NA,
        lwr = pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$lwr[
          pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$Year == 
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$parameters$final.year &
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$model == "Robust regression" &
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$Details == "Linear"
        upr = pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$upr[
          pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$Year == 
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$parameters$final.year &
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$model == "Robust regression" &
            pred.impact[[group]][[taxon]]$estimated.annual.costs$Details == "Linear"
    summary.costs <-

# Removing estimates for which model parameters are not significant
summary.costs[which(summary.costs$Signif > 0.05), c("Average.annual.cost", "lwr", "upr")] <- NA
# summary.costs[which(summary.costs$Signif <= 0.05), ] 

# Workaround for error bars
summary.costs$lwr <- ifelse($lwr),
summary.costs$upr <- ifelse($upr), 

# Removing gasteropods and mixed data because of low data quality
  which(summary.costs$Taxon == "Gastropoda" &
          summary.costs$Type.cost == "Estimated")
] <- NA
  which(summary.costs$Taxon == "Bivalvia" &
          summary.costs$Type.cost == "Estimated")
] <- NA
  which(summary.costs$Taxon == "Mixed" &
          summary.costs$Type.cost == "Estimated")
] <- NA

summary.costs$Taxon[summary.costs$Taxon == "Mixed"] <- "Multi-taxa\nstudies"
summary.costs$Group[summary.costs$Group == "Mixed"] <- "Mixed\ntaxa"

# Removing multi-group studies
summary.costs <- summary.costs[-which(summary.costs$Group %in% "Mixed\ntaxa"), ]

# Changing order of facets
summary.costs$Group <- factor(as.character(summary.costs$Group),
                              levels = c("Invertebrates", "Vertebrates", "Plants"))

# Adding letters to facets for the plot
summary.costs$Group.a <- summary.costs$Group.b <- summary.costs$Group
levels(summary.costs$Group.a) <-  c("a. invertebrates", "b. vertebrates", "c. plants")
levels(summary.costs$Group.b) <-  c("d. invertebrates", "e. vertebrates", "f. plants")

# Preparing x-axis positions
summary.costs$Taxon <- factor(summary.costs$Taxon, levels = unique(summary.costs$Taxon))
summary.costs$x.pos <- as.numeric(summary.costs$Taxon)
summary.costs$x.pos[which(!(summary.costs$x.pos %in% c(1, 6, 11)))] <- summary.costs$x.pos[which(!(summary.costs$x.pos %in% c(1, 6, 11)))] + .5
summary.costs$x.pos[which(summary.costs$x.pos >= 11)] <- summary.costs$x.pos[which(summary.costs$x.pos >= 11)] + 2
summary.costs$x.pos[which(summary.costs$x.pos >= 6)] <- summary.costs$x.pos[which(summary.costs$x.pos >= 6)] + 2

levels(summary.costs$Taxon)[which(levels(summary.costs$Taxon) %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"))] <- c("All plants", "All\ninvertebrates", "All vertebrates")

# summary.costs$Cost.period <- as.factor(summary.costs$Cost.period)

# Removing the 2010-2017 period because it does not provide a lot of information
pavg <- ggplot(summary.costs[which(summary.costs$Cost.period != "2010 - 2017"), ]) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(x = x.pos, y = Average.annual.cost,
                      col = Cost.period,
                      shape = Type.cost,
                      ymin = lwr,
                      ymax = upr),
                  position = position_dodge(width = .5),
                  size = .5) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(summary.costs$x.pos),
                     minor_breaks = NULL, 
                     labels = unique(summary.costs$Taxon)) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma,
                limits = c(0.09, NA)) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  facet_grid(~ Group.b, scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
  ylab("Average annual\ncost in\nUs$ millions") +
                     values = c(`1970 - 2017` = rgb(86, 180, 233, maxColorValue = 255), # Colours for colourblind people
                                `2000 - 2009` = rgb(213, 94, 0, maxColorValue = 255),
                                `2017` = rgb(204, 121, 167, maxColorValue = 255))) +
  scale_shape_discrete(labels = c("Observed average cost",
                                  "Estimated cost ± 95%IC")) + # Signe +-
  guides(col = guide_legend(title = "Time interval",
                            override.aes = list(linetype = c(0, 0, 0),
                                                shape = c(15, 15, 15),
                                                size = 1.5),
                            ncol = 1, order = 1),
         shape = guide_legend(title = "Cost nature",
                              override.aes = list(shape = c(17, 16),
                                                  linetype = c(0, 1)),
                              ncol = 1), order = 2) +
  theme(legend.position = c(-.15, 1.47),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.25,
                                   size = 13, face = c("bold", rep("plain", 4))),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),
        plot.margin = margin(t = 0, .2, 0, 3, "lines"), = "vertical",
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 17),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 17),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 13)) +
  # ggtitle("Average annual cost") +

# Trick to get colours & bars stacked correctly
summary.costs2 <- summary.costs[nrow(summary.costs):1, ]
# summary.costs2$Cost.period <- 
#   factor(summary.costs2$Cost.period,
#          levels = rev(levels(summary.costs2$Cost.period)))
ptot <- ggplot(summary.costs[which(summary.costs$Cost.period != "2010 - 2017" &
                                     !$Cumulated.cost)), ]) +
  geom_col(aes(x = x.pos, y = Cumulated.cost,
               fill = Cost.period),
           width = c(.9, .75),
           position = position_dodge(width = 0.1,
                                     preserve = "total")) +
  theme_bw() +
                    values = c(rgb(86, 180, 233, maxColorValue = 255), # Same colours as above
                               rgb(213, 94, 0, maxColorValue = 255))) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 2e6, by = 1e5),
                     labels = scales::comma) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(summary.costs2$x.pos),
                     minor_breaks = NULL, 
                     labels = unique(summary.costs2$Taxon)) +
  # scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
  #               labels = scales::comma,
  #               limits = c(1, NA)) +
  # annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  facet_grid(~ Group.a, scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0,
                                   size = 13,
                                   face = c(rep("plain", 4), "bold")), # We reverse here because rows are reversed!
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),
        plot.margin = margin(t = 0, 0.2, 0, 3, "lines"),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 17),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 17),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 13)) +
  ylab("Cumulative\ncost in\nUS$ millions") +
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  # ggtitle("Cumulative cost") +

# png("./Figure3.png", units = "in", height = 8.5, width = 10,
#     res = 300)
pdf("./figure3.pdf", height = 8.5, width = 10)
plot_grid(ptot, pavg, ncol = 1, align = "v")

Methodological details

This figure represents (a) the average annual costs as observed in the database (1970 - 2017 and 2000-2009) and as predicted by the linear regression over time for 2017 for those taxons for which we had enough data points (i.e., more than 30 years of data); and (b) the cumulated cost over time for 1970-2017 and 2000-2009. Note that these values include only estimates that could be derived for a single taxonomic group; hence, a significant proportion of the economic impacts of invasive species could not be split per taxonomic group (see Appendix Taxo.1). The 1970-2017 period was chosen as the range of time periods in the database for which we have relatively complete data. The 2000-2009 time period was chosen as the 10-year interval for which we have the most complete data and the highest economic impacts of IAS.

The average annual costs for 1970-2017 and 2000-2009 are represented without error bars, following Weissgerber et al. (2014) for two reasons. First, there are not enough data points for error bars to be meaningful; second, the distribution of data points is skewed, with most years having a lower-than-average economic cost, and only a few years having a high economic cost. Therefore, we refer readers to Appendix Taxo.2 where we illustrate for each individual taxon the average economic costs over the full distribution of economic impacts per year. In spite of the skewed distribution of data chose to illustrate average annual costs rather than median annual costs, because we assume that the skewness of data is caused by the strong incompleteness of economic data for most years (see our rationale in …[main text or appendix?]); therefore, we deemed that the average annual cost is probably closer to the actual annual cost than the median annual cost. Regardless, we provide the median anual cost for each taxon in Appendix XX by the means of 0.5 quantile regressions.


Out of the global cumulated cost of invasive species, US$ billion 698 (54.2%) were derived from estimates combining multiple taxonomic groups, and US$ billion 591 (45.8%) were derived from estimates that could be assigned to a single taxonomic group (Appendix Taxo.1). Update values if database change! Because they are derived from the appendix below!

Among these single-groupe estimates, we found that the single costliest group was invertebrates, almost exclusively because of insects, with a cumulated economic cost of US$ billion 416 (Figure 2a). Vertebrates had the second highest impact with US$ billion 166; the majority of this impact was caused by mammals. Plants had the lowest reported impact with US$ billion 9.

Likewise, the observed and estimated annual costs of invasive invertebrates were an order of magnitude higher than those of invertebrates and plants (Figure 2b). Worryingly, the predicted average annual cost for 2017 was almost always higher than the observed average annual cost for previous periods of time. In other words, for all sufficiently-known groups, the annual cost of invasions is continuously increasing (Figure 2b, Appendix Taxo.2). The only exception to this pattern is vertebrates, for which extremely high costs were reported in the period 2000-2009, which resulted in an average annual cost for this period much higher than predicted by a linear trend over 1970-2017.

Discuss whether or not we go into details for subgroups

Figure C. Geographic distribution of costs

Figure C.1 Cost per REGION

db.over.time$Geographic_region[which(db.over.time$Geographic_region == "Europa")] <- "Europe"
Regions <- list(
  Africa = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "Africa", ],
  Asia = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "Asia", ],
  Europe = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "Europe", ],
  `Central America` = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "Central America", ],
  `North America` = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "North America", ],
  `Oceania` = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "Oceania", ],
  `South America` = db.over.time[db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% "South America", ]
obs.regions <- map(Regions, 
                   minimum.year = 1970,
                   maximum.year = 2017)


# Download the data here from natural earth data, 10m resolution
# Map units, admin 0: <- readOGR("d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/ne_10m_admin_0_map_units.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "D:\R\Projects\invacost_nature\data\ne_10m_admin_0_map_units.shp", layer: "ne_10m_admin_0_map_units"
## with 295 features
## It has 94 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  NE_ID$invacost.region <- as.character($CONTINENT)$invacost.region[$SUBREGION %in% c("Central America",
                                                               "Caribbean")] <- "Central America" <-[-which($invacost.region %in% c("Seven seas (open ocean)", "Antarctica")), ]

invacost.world2 <-, 
                                 function(x) gUnaryUnion([which($invacost.region == x), ]),
                                 USE.NAMES = FALSE)) <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(invacost.world2,
                                           data = data.frame(Region = levels(as.factor($invacost.region))),
                                           match.ID = FALSE)
rm(invacost.world2) <- st_as_sf($cumulated.cost <-$total.cost.2000.2009 <-$average.cost.2000.2009 <-$estimated.annual.cost.2017 <-  NA

for(region in names(Regions))
{$cumulated.cost[$Region == region] <- 
    obs.regions[[region]]$$total_cost$total.cost.2000.2009[$Region == region] <- 
      which(obs.regions[[region]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year == 2000), "total_cost"]$average.cost.2000.2009[$Region == region] <- 
      which(obs.regions[[region]]$average.cost.per.period$initial_year == 2000), "annual_cost"]
  #$estimated.annual.cost.2017[$Region == region] <- 
    # pred.regions[[region]]$final.year.cost["linear"]

         projection = "+proj=eck4") +
              palette = "OrRd",
              title = "Cost in US$ millions",
              style="pretty") +
  tm_layout(# title = "Average annual cost from 2000 to 2009",
            # title.size = .9,
   = "white",
            # title.position=c("center", "top"),
            inner.margins=c(.04, .01, .1, .01),
            earth.boundary=c(-180, 180, -70, 90),
            frame = FALSE,
            legend.title.size = 1.5,
            legend.text.size = 1)

As expected, the average annual cost between 2000 and 2009 was highest in North America (Figure 3), with a total of US$ millions48,093 (figure 3, appendix region.2). This pattern probably reflects a bias in the literature. North America had the second highest number of unique cost estimates (304 - the first is Oceania-Pacific islands with 490 unique estimates - Appendix region.1) and the highest combined total number of years over which values were estimated (1062). Second, Asia had the second largest average annual cost of IAS, with US$ millions20,862. Third, the average annual cost was between US$ million 370 and 7,991. This pattern is similar when looking at the distribution of cumulated costs for the entire period (Appendix region.3).

Figure C.2 Cost per country

# SAME AS ABOVE, Download the data here from natural earth data, 10m resolution
# Map units, admin 0:
countries <-  readOGR("d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/ne_10m_admin_0_map_units.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "D:\R\Projects\invacost_nature\data\ne_10m_admin_0_map_units.shp", layer: "ne_10m_admin_0_map_units"
## with 295 features
## It has 94 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  NE_ID
invacost.countries <- data.frame( = unique(invacost$Official_country))

invacost.countries$valid <- FALSE
invacost.countries$valid[which(invacost.countries$ %in% countries$ADMIN)] <- TRUE

invacost.countries$renamed <- as.character(invacost.countries$

# Corrections to country names
##  [1] "USA"                                                                         
##  [2] "Scotland"                                                                    
##  [3] "Diverse/Unspecified"                                                         
##  [4] "Great Britain"                                                               
##  [5] "Antigua"                                                                     
##  [6] "Argentina/Chile"                                                             
##  [7] "Malaysia/Myanmar/Thailand"                                                   
##  [8] "Philippines/Thailand/Vietnam"                                                
##  [9] "Australia/Brazil/Venezuela"                                                  
## [10] "England"                                                                     
## [11] "Northern Ireland"                                                            
## [12] "Austria/Denmark/Finland/Ireland/Latvia/Lithuania/Netherlands/Spain/Sweden/UK"
## [13] "Mexico/USA"                                                                  
## [14] "Belize/Guatemala/Mexico/USA"                                                 
## [15] "Australia/Papua New Guinea"                                                  
## [16] "India/Pakistan"                                                              
## [17] "Guatemala/Mexico/USA"                                                        
## [18] "Tanzania"                                                                    
## [19] "Benin/Guinea Conakry/Togo"                                                   
## [20] "Canada/USA"                                                                  
## [21] "Germany/Unspecified"                                                         
## [22] "Portugal/Spain"                                                              
## [23] "USA/Unspecified"                                                             
## [24] "Timor-Leste"                                                                 
## [25] "Brazil/Guatemala/Panama/Salvador/Venezuela"                                  
## [26] "Cambodia/Malaysia/Thailand"                                                  
## [27] "Salvador"                                                                    
## [28] "Bangladesh/India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "USA"] <- "United States of America"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% c("Scotland", "Great Britain", "England", "Northern Ireland")] <- "United Kingdom"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "Antigua"] <- "Antigua and Barbuda"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "Bahamas"] <- "The Bahamas"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "Tanzania"] <- "United Republic of Tanzania"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "Timor-Leste"] <- "East Timor"
invacost.countries$renamed[invacost.countries$ %in% "Salvador"] <- "El Salvador"

# Omitted countries
# invacost.countries$renamed[!invacost.countries$renamed %in% countries$ADMIN]

db.over.time$country2 <- invacost.countries$renamed[match(db.over.time$Official_country, invacost.countries$]

country_summary <- data.frame()
for(country in unique(db.over.time$country2))
  subdb <- db.over.time[which(db.over.time$country2 %in% country), ]
  curestimate <- summarizeCosts(subdb,
                                minimum.year = 1970,
                                maximum.year = 2017)
  country_summary <-,
                                      data.frame(country = country,
                                                 nb.estimates = curestimate$$number_estimates,
                                                 cumulated.cost = curestimate$$total_cost,
                                                 average.annual.cost = curestimate$$annual_cost,
                                                 average.annual.cost.2000.2009 = curestimate$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost[
                                                   which(curestimate$average.cost.per.period$initial_year == 2000)

countries2 <- countries[countries$ADMIN %in% country_summary$country, ]
countries2$cumulated.cost <- country_summary$cumulated.cost[match(countries2$ADMIN,
countries2$nb.estimates <- country_summary$nb.estimates[match(countries2$ADMIN,
countries2sf <- st_as_sf(countries2)

# Countries with multiple polygons have to be corrected
##  [1] "France"                      "Belgium"                    
##  [3] "South Korea"                 "United Kingdom"             
##  [5] "United Kingdom"              "United Kingdom"             
##  [7] "Belgium"                     "Netherlands"                
##  [9] "France"                      "France"                     
## [11] "Antigua and Barbuda"         "France"                     
## [13] "France"                      "United Republic of Tanzania"
## [15] "Portugal"                    "Portugal"                   
## [17] "China"                       "New Zealand"
##  [1] "France"                "Walloon"               "Republic of Korea"    
##  [4] "Wales"                 "England"               "Scotland"             
##  [7] "Brussels"              "Caribbean Netherlands" "Martinique"           
## [10] "Guadeloupe"            "Barbuda"               "Réunion"             
## [13] "Mayotte"               "Zanzibar"              "Madeira"              
## [16] "Azores"                "Paracel Is."           "Tokelau"
countries2sf$BRK_NAME[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "New Zealand")]
## [1] "New Zealand" "Tokelau"
# countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(duplicated(countries2sf$ADMIN))] <- NA
# Correction to center the UK point on England
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "United Kingdom")][c(1, 2, 4)] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "France")][c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6)] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "South Korea")][1] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "Belgium")][c(1, 3)] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "Netherlands")][2] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "United Republic of Tanzania")][2] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "Portugal")][c(2, 3)] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "China")][2] <- NA
countries2sf$nb.estimates[which(countries2sf$ADMIN == "New Zealand")][2] <- NA

fig4 <- tm_shape(,
                 projection = "+proj=eck4") +
  tm_polygons() + 
           projection="eck4") +
              palette = "OrRd",
              title = "Cost in US$ millions",
              style = "fixed",
              breaks = c(0, 15000, 50000, 150000, 350000, 550000)) +
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE) +
  tm_symbols(size = "nb.estimates",
             title.size = "Number of cost estimates\nper country",
             style = "fixed",
             sizes.legend = c(10, 50, 100, 150, 250, 350),
             perceptual = TRUE,
             scale = 4,
             alpha = .5,
             col = rgb(0, 114, 178, maxColorValue = 255)
  )  +
  tm_layout(# title = "Average annual cost from 2000 to 2009",
    # title.size = .9,
    # = "white",
    # title.position=c("center", "top"),
    inner.margins=c(.01, .01, .05, .01),
    outer.margins = c(.01, .01, .01, .01) ,
    between.margin = 0.01,
    # bg.color="#AEDFE5",
    earth.boundary=c(-180, 180, -70, 90),
    # space.color="white",
    frame = FALSE,
    legend.title.size = 1.5,
    legend.text.size = 1,
    legend.width = 0.1,
    legend.outside.size = 0.2)

cairo_pdf("figure4.pdf", width = 16, height = 6.5)
## png 
##   2

Figure D. Types of costs

Figure Da. Cumulative costs over time

costtype <- list(
  Damage = db.over.time[db.over.time$Type_of_cost_merged %in% "Damage_costs", ],
  Management = db.over.time[db.over.time$Type_of_cost_merged %in% "Management_costs", ]

obs.costtype <- map(costtype, 
                    minimum.year = 1970,
                    maximum.year = 2017) <- rbind(
             type = "Damage"),
             type = "Management")
costperiod <- rbind(
             type = "Damage"),
             type = "Management")
costperiod$middle.years <- costperiod$initial_year +
  (costperiod$final_year - 
     costperiod$initial_year) / 2 
plot.breaks = 10^(-15:15)
yeargroups.damage <- dplyr::group_by(obs.costtype$Damage$,
                                     get(obs.costtype$Damage$parameters$year.column)) <- dplyr::group_by(obs.costtype$Management$,

yearly.cost <-
                                       Annual.cost = sum(get(obs.costtype$Damage$parameters$cost.column))),
             "Damage"), c("Year", "Annual.cost", "type")),
                                       Annual.cost = sum(get(obs.costtype$Management$parameters$cost.column))),
             "Management"), c("Year", "Annual.cost", "type"))

ggplot(costperiod) + 
  ylab("Average annual cost per period in US$ millions") +
  xlab("Year") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = obs.costtype$Damage$year.breaks) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks() +
  # Points
  geom_point(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
                        y = "annual_cost",
                        col = "type"),
            size = 3) +
  # Lines between points
  geom_line(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
                       y = "annual_cost",
                        col = "type"),
            linetype = 2,
            size = 1) +
  # Horizontal bars (year span)
  geom_segment(aes_string(x = "initial_year",
                          xend = "final_year",
                          y = "annual_cost",
                          yend = "annual_cost",
                        col = "type"),
            size = 1) +
  # Points
  geom_point(data = yearly.cost,
             mapping = aes_string(x = "Year",
                                  y = "Annual.cost",
                                  col = "type"),
             size = 2,
             alpha = .8) +
  guides(col = guide_legend(title = "Category\nof cost")) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 13),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 13),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.position = c(.15, .9))

We found different temporal patterns between damage and management costs (Figure 4a). Damage costs have strongly and continuously increased since 1970, reaching an annual average of US$ millions 56,212 in 2000-2009. However, management costs only increased during the 1990s, and are 10-times smaller than damage costs, with ran annual average of US$ millions 3,019 in 2000-2009. Interestingly, the trend over time is extremely similar between damage and management costs, except that management costs started to increase approximately 15 years after damage costs (Figure 4.b ou appendix au choix), especially when we estimate trends exclusively on the basis of the the most complete years (i.e., years that have at least 75% completeness, all years before 2006).

Figure Dc. Attempt to merge figure 4a & b in a single one

gglines <- = model.preds$Year, 
                                       Annual_cost = model.preds$fit,
                                       Data.type = "Predicted trend over time (Robust regression)",
                                       Cost.category = model.preds$type,
                                       upr = model.preds$upr,
                                       lwr = model.preds$lwr),
                            data.frame(Year = costperiod$middle.years,
                                       Annual_cost = costperiod$annual_cost,
                                       Data.type = "Average cost among 10-year periods",
                                       Cost.category = costperiod$type,
                                       upr = NA,
                                       lwr = NA))
gglines$Data.type <- factor(gglines$Data.type,
                            levels = c("Predicted trend over time (Robust regression)",
                                       "Average cost among 10-year periods"))

ggplot(costperiod) + 
  ylab("Average annual cost per period in US$ millions") +
  xlab("Year") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = obs.costtype$Damage$year.breaks) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  geom_ribbon(data = gglines[-which($upr)), ], aes_string(x = "Year",
                                         ymin = "lwr",
                                         ymax = "upr",
                                         fill = "Cost.category"),
              alpha = .1, linetype = 0) +
  # Lines between points
  geom_line(data = gglines,
            aes_string(x = "Year",
                       y = "Annual_cost",
                       col = "Cost.category",
                       linetype = "Data.type"),
            size = 1) +
  # Horizontal bars (year span) +
  geom_segment(aes_string(x = "initial_year",
                          xend = "final_year",
                          y = "annual_cost",
                          yend = "annual_cost",
                        col = "type"),
               linetype = 2,
            size = 1) +
  # Points
  geom_point(data = yearly.cost,
             mapping = aes_string(x = "Year",
                                  y = "Annual.cost",
                                  col = "type"),
             size = 2,
             alpha = .8) +
  guides(col = guide_legend(title = "Category of cost"),
         linetype = guide_legend(title = "Line type",
                                 reverse = TRUE),
         fill = FALSE) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 13),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 13),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.position = c(.04, .999),
        legend.justification = c(0, 1))

Figure Dd. Alluvial diagram of management vs damage costs


ggplot(data = yearly.cost,
       aes(x = Year, y = Annual.cost, alluvium = type)) +
  geom_alluvium(aes(fill = type, colour = type),
                alpha = .75, decreasing = NA) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -30, hjust = 0)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set3") +
  scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set3") +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
               labels = scales::comma,
               limits = c(1, 1e9)) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") 

Figure E Top 10 species


# Lumping together all species that are frequently found together or confused
db.over.time$sp.list <- as.character(db.over.time$Species)
db.over.time$genus.list <- as.character(db.over.time$Genus)
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Genus == "Aedes")] <- "Aedes spp."
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Genus == "Rattus" | db.over.time$Genus == "Mus")] <- "Rattus spp./Mus spp."
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Species %in% c("Rattus sp./Mus sp.", 
                                                       "Mus musculus/Rattus rattus",
                                                       "Mus musculus/Rattus norvegicus",
                                                       "Mus sp./Rattus sp."))] <- "Rattus spp./Mus spp."
db.over.time$genus.list[which(db.over.time$sp.list == "Rattus spp./Mus spp.")] <- "Rattus/Mus"
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Genus == "Felis/Rattus")] <- "Felis catus/Rattus spp."
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Genus == "Oryctolagus/Rattus")] <- "Oryctolagus spp./Rattus spp." 
db.over.time$sp.list[which(db.over.time$Genus == "Canis")] <- "Canis lupus spp."

# Unique identifier
db.over.time$ <-"paste", db.over.time[, c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Family", "genus.list", "sp.list")])

db.over.time <- db.over.time[-which(db.over.time$Impact_year < 1970), ]

species.summary <- data.frame()
for(sp in unique(db.over.time$
  # Db for current species
  cur.db <- db.over.time[which(db.over.time$ %in% sp), ]
  cur.raw <- summarizeCosts(cur.db, minimum.year = 1970,
                            maximum.year = 2017)
  # Management db <- cur.db[which(cur.db$Type_of_cost_merged == "Management_costs"), ]
  if(all($Impact_year < 1970) | all($Impact_year > 2017))
  { <-[-0, ]
  { <- summarizeCosts(, minimum.year = 1970,
                            maximum.year = 2017)
  } else
  { <- list( = data.frame(annual_cost = 0, 
                                                  total_cost = 0,
                                                  number_estimates = 0,
                                                  number_year_values = 0))
  # Damage db
  cur.db.damage <- cur.db[which(cur.db$Type_of_cost_merged == "Damage_costs"), ]
  if(all(cur.db.damage$Impact_year < 1970) | all(cur.db.damage$Impact_year > 2017))
  { <-[-0, ]
    cur.damage <- summarizeCosts(cur.db.damage, minimum.year = 1970,
                            maximum.year = 2017)
  } else
    cur.damage <- list( = data.frame(annual_cost = 0, 
                                                  total_cost = 0,
                                                  number_estimates = 0,
                                                  number_year_values = 0))
  # Mixed db
  cur.db.mixed <- cur.db[which(cur.db$Type_of_cost_merged == "Mixed_costs"), ]
  if(all(cur.db.mixed$Impact_year < 1970) | all(cur.db.mixed$Impact_year > 2017))
  { <-[-0, ]
    cur.mixed <- summarizeCosts(cur.db.mixed, minimum.year = 1970,
                            maximum.year = 2017)
  } else
    cur.mixed <- list( = data.frame(annual_cost = 0, 
                                                  total_cost = 0,
                                                  number_estimates = 0,
                                                  number_year_values = 0))

  species.summary <-,
                                        Kingdom = cur.db$Kingdom[1],
                                        Phylum = cur.db$Phylum[1],
                                        Class = cur.db$Class[1],
                                        Family = cur.db$Family[1],
                                        Genus = cur.db$Genus[1],
                                        Species = cur.db$sp.list[1],
                                        Cost.type = c("Total", "Management", "Damage", "Mixed"),
                                        Average.annual.cost = c(cur.raw$$annual_cost,
                                        Cumulated.cost = c(cur.raw$$total_cost,
                                        Number.estimates = c(cur.raw$$number_estimates,
                                        Number.year.values = c(cur.raw$$number_year_values,
                               = cur.db$[1]

# Adjust the file path to your needs
write.csv(species.summary, "d:/r/Projects/invacost_nature/data/species_summary.csv")

# Table containing only total costs (for identification of top species)
reduced.sp.summary <- species.summary[which(species.summary$Cost.type == "Total"), ]
reduced.sp.summary <- reduced.sp.summary[order(reduced.sp.summary$Cumulated.cost, decreasing = TRUE), ]

# Ordering full table according to cumulated cost
species.summary$ <- factor(species.summary$,
                                       levels = reduced.sp.summary$
species.summary <- dplyr::arrange(species.summary,

# Filtering top 10 species
top.10 <- reduced.sp.summary$Species[reduced.sp.summary$Species != "Diverse/Unspecified"][1:10]

# csv file available here:
images <- read.csv("d:/r/Projects/invacost_nature/data/images.csv", sep = ";")
images <- images[images$Taxon %in% top.10, ]
images <- images[match(top.10, images$Taxon), ]

# Preparing silhouettes
       images$URL, "')), \n interpolate = TRUE),\n xmin = ",
       1:10 - .5,
       ",\n xmax = ",
       1:10 + .5,
       ",\n ymin = ",
       round(reduced.sp.summary[reduced.sp.summary$Species %in% top.10, "Cumulated.cost"]),
       " + y1,\n ymax = ",
       round(reduced.sp.summary[reduced.sp.summary$Species %in% top.10, "Cumulated.cost"]),
       " + y2)", collapse = " +\n "))

# Preparing plot
y1 <- 5.000
y2 <- 20.000
ggsummary <- species.summary[which(species.summary$Species %in% top.10 &
                                     species.summary$Cost.type != "Total"), ]
ggsummary$Species <- factor(as.character(ggsummary$Species), 
                            levels = as.character(top.10))
# Ordering species names
reduced.top10 <- reduced.sp.summary[reduced.sp.summary$Species %in% top.10, ]

# Tidying species names
reduced.top10$Species <- gsub(" ", "\\\n", as.character(reduced.top10$Species))
levels(ggsummary$Species) <- gsub(" ", "\\\n", levels(ggsummary$Species))
# Reducing a long name
# reduced.top10$Species[grep("Bursa", reduced.top10$Species)] <- "Bursaphe-\nlenchus\nxylophilus"
# levels(ggsummary$Species)[grep("Bursa", levels(ggsummary$Species))] <- "Bursaphe-\nlenchus\nxylophilus"
# Adding Africanized honey bee subspecies name
reduced.top10$Species[reduced.top10$Species == "Apis\nmellifera"] <- "Apis\nmellifera\nscutellata"
levels(ggsummary$Species)[levels(ggsummary$Species) == "Apis\nmellifera"] <- "Apis\nmellifera\nscutellata"

ggsummary$SpLabels <- ggsummary$Species
levels(ggsummary$SpLabels) <- c("*Aedes*<br>spp.",

# Moving to billions
ggsummary$Cumulated.cost <- ggsummary$Cumulated.cost / 1000
# reduced.top10$Cumulated.cost <- reduced.top10$Cumulated.cost / 1000
reduced.top10$ynew <- 5

ptop10 <- ggplot(ggsummary) +
  geom_col(aes(x = SpLabels, y = Cumulated.cost, fill = Cost.type)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  ylab("Cumulative cost for 1970-2017 in 2017 US$ billions") +
  xlab("Taxon") + 
  scale_y_continuous(#labels = scales::comma,
                     limits = c(0, 175),
                     breaks = c(0, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 150),
                     minor_breaks = c(5, 15),
                     ) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(Management = rgb(red = 0, 158, 115, maxColorValue = 255), # Yellow -> green
                               Damage = rgb(red = 213, 94, 0, maxColorValue = 255), # Blue -> brown
                               Mixed = rgb(red = 86, 180, 233, maxColorValue = 255)), # Pink -> blue
                      name = "Cost type") + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),
        axis.text.x = element_markdown(size = 13),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 16),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 16),
        legend.position = c(.75, .65)) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 0.5,
                    xmax = 1.5,
                    ymin = 148.669 + y1,
                    ymax = 148.669 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 1.5,
                    xmax = 2.5,
                    ymin = 67.106 + y1,
                    ymax = 67.106 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 2.5,
                    xmax = 3.5,
                    ymin = 51.556 + y1,
                    ymax = 51.556 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 3.5,
                    xmax = 4.5,
                    ymin = 19.003 + y1,
                    ymax = 19.003 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 4.5,
                    xmax = 5.5,
                    ymin = 17.304 + y1,
                    ymax = 17.304 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 5.5,
                    xmax = 6.5,
                    ymin = 15.014 + y1,
                    ymax = 15.014 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 6.5,
                    xmax = 7.5,
                    ymin = 7.432 + y1,
                    ymax = 7.432 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 7.5,
                    xmax = 8.5,
                    ymin = 6.340 + y1,
                    ymax = 6.340 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 8.5,
                    xmax = 9.5,
                    ymin = 5.676 + y1,
                    ymax = 5.676 + y2) +
                                     interpolate = TRUE),
                    xmin = 9.5,
                    xmax = 10.5,
                    ymin = 4.057 + y1,
                    ymax = 4.057 + y2) 

# +
#   annotation_custom(
#       grob = textGrob(label = df$n[i], hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1.5)),
#       ymin = df$y[i],      # Vertical position of the textGrob
#       ymax = df$y[i],
#       xmin = 14.3,         # Note: The grobs are positioned outside the plot area
#       xmax = 14.3)
#  }    

for (i in 1:nrow(reduced.top10))  {
ptop10 <- ptop10 + annotation_custom(
        grob = textGrob(label = reduced.top10$Number.estimates[i], hjust = .5, gp = gpar(cex = 1)),
      ymin = -3,      # Vertical position of the textGrob
      ymax = -3,
      xmin = i,         # Note: The grobs are positioned outside the plot area
      xmax = i)

cairo_pdf("figure5.pdf", width = 12.5, height = 8)

General Appendix:

Number of unspecified periods in the database

nrow(invacost[which($Probable_starting_year) |
            $Probable_ending_year)), ])
## [1] 700
## [1] 1319

Number of estimates

nb.estimates <- rbind(Global = c(global.raw$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Plants = c(obs.impact$Plants$Plants$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Invertebrates = c(obs.impact$Invertebrates$Invertebrates$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Vertebrates = c(obs.impact$Vertebrates$Vertebrates$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Africa = c(obs.regions$Africa$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Asia = c(obs.regions$Asia$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Europe = c(obs.regions$Europe$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      `Central America` = c(obs.regions$`Central America`$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                                            obs.regions$`Central America`$average.cost.per.period$number_estimates),
                      `North America` = c(obs.regions$`North America`$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                                          obs.regions$`North America`$average.cost.per.period$number_estimates),
                      `Oceania-Pacific islands` = c(obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                                                    obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$average.cost.per.period$number_estimates),
                      `South America` = c(obs.regions$`South America`$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                                                    obs.regions$`South America`$average.cost.per.period$number_estimates),
                      Damage = c(obs.costtype$Damage$parameters$number.of.estimates,
                      Management = c(obs.costtype$Management$parameters$number.of.estimates,

colnames(nb.estimates) <- c("1970 - 2017",
                                   " - ",

X1970…2017 X1970…1979 X1980…1989 X1990…1999 X2000…2009 X2010…2017
Global 1312 25 88 276 783 336
Plants 221 3 5 63 168 18
Invertebrates 469 16 43 105 241 164
Vertebrates 526 6 39 84 314 131
Africa 130 2 4 36 76 46
Asia 105 1 8 11 68 44
Europe 151 3 2 12 101 52
Central America 47 3 3 11 26 10
North America 310 13 30 91 163 73
South America 68 0 1 11 32 29
Damage 402 8 23 66 209 148
Management 873 15 61 201 552 177
# adjust file path
            "d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/nb_estimates.csv", sep = ";")

Observed values

Average.values <- rbind(Global = c(global.raw$$annual_cost,
           Plants = c(obs.impact$Plants$Plants$$annual_cost,
           Invertebrates = c(obs.impact$Invertebrates$Invertebrates$$annual_cost,
           Vertebrates = c(obs.impact$Vertebrates$Vertebrates$$annual_cost,
           Africa = c(obs.regions$Africa$$annual_cost,
           Asia = c(obs.regions$Asia$$annual_cost,
           Europe = c(obs.regions$Europe$$annual_cost,
           `Central America` = c(obs.regions$`Central America`$$annual_cost,
                        obs.regions$`Central America`$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost),
           `North America` = c(obs.regions$`North America`$$annual_cost,
                        obs.regions$`North America`$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost),
           `Oceania-Pacific islands` = c(obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$$annual_cost,
                        obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost),
           `South America` = c(obs.regions$`South America`$$annual_cost,
                        obs.regions$`South America`$average.cost.per.period$annual_cost),
           Damage = c(obs.costtype$Damage$$annual_cost,
           Management = c(obs.costtype$Management$$annual_cost,
Cumulated.values <- rbind(Global = c(global.raw$$total_cost,
           Plants = c(obs.impact$Plants$Plants$$total_cost,
           Invertebrates = c(obs.impact$Invertebrates$Invertebrates$$total_cost,
           Vertebrates = c(obs.impact$Vertebrates$Vertebrates$$total_cost,
           Africa = c(obs.regions$Africa$$total_cost,
           Asia = c(obs.regions$Asia$$total_cost,
           Europe = c(obs.regions$Europe$$total_cost,
           `Central America` = c(obs.regions$`Central America`$$total_cost,
                        obs.regions$`Central America`$average.cost.per.period$total_cost),
           `North America` = c(obs.regions$`North America`$$total_cost,
                        obs.regions$`North America`$average.cost.per.period$total_cost),
           `Oceania-Pacific islands` = c(obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$$total_cost,
                        obs.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$average.cost.per.period$total_cost),
           `South America` = c(obs.regions$`South America`$$total_cost,
                        obs.regions$`South America`$average.cost.per.period$total_cost),
           Damage = c(obs.costtype$Damage$$total_cost,
           Management = c(obs.costtype$Management$$total_cost,

colnames(Cumulated.values) <- colnames(Average.values) <- c("1970 - 2017",
                                   " - ",

X1970…2017 X1970…1979 X1980…1989 X1990…1999 X2000…2009 X2010…2017
Global 1288087.867 6786.650730 11887.065382 202749.6227 833082.633 233581.8950
Plants 8902.476 5.750304 119.138716 3305.5941 2715.327 2756.6657
Invertebrates 415696.898 4279.977292 11641.175266 24631.3002 227826.743 147317.7016
Vertebrates 165949.140 2500.923134 121.068662 529.5412 143040.446 19757.1609
Africa 10190.337 6.368962 26.444103 2983.5722 3696.007 3477.9448
Asia 269192.518 17.554213 1621.171151 573.5950 208620.189 58360.0088
Europe 28798.739 192.488046 6.240115 240.6275 10640.305 17719.0790
Central America 5758.668 43.628069 277.671895 127.0589 4668.727 641.5825
North America 528738.476 6395.066605 9101.970316 30726.1629 480928.954 1586.3222
South America 84940.845 NA 3.266089 117.3816 79914.538 4905.6590
Damage 892179.562 846.726336 5123.951925 186202.3532 562118.209 137888.3213
Management 66013.198 3649.054056 3427.519751 9487.2330 30189.543 19259.8486
# adjust file path
            "d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/average_costs.csv", sep = ";")
# adjust file path
            "d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/cumulated_costs.csv", sep = ";")

Predicted values

Predicted.values <- format(data.frame(Global = global.trend$final.year.cost,
           Plants = pred.impact$Plants$Plants$final.year.cost,
           Invertebrates = pred.impact$Invertebrates$Invertebrates$final.year.cost,
           Vertebrates = pred.impact$Vertebrates$Vertebrates$final.year.cost,
           # Africa = pred.regions$Africa$final.year.cost,
           # Asia = pred.regions$Asia$final.year.cost,
           # Europe = pred.regions$Europe$final.year.cost,
           # `Central America` = pred.regions$`Central America`$final.year.cost,
           # `North America` = pred.regions$`North America`$final.year.cost,
           # `Oceania-Pacific islands` = pred.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$final.year.cost,
           # `South America` = pred.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$final.year.cost,
           Damage.25 = pred.costtype.25$Damage$final.year.cost,
           Management.25 = pred.costtype.25$Management$final.year.cost
           ), scientific = FALSE)
Global Plants Invertebrates Vertebrates Damage.25 Management.25
ols.linear 91979.90 490.9546987 33359.412 2382.2035 84972.961 2002.0848
ols.quadratic 102620.61 11.1742742 45830.139 17140.9960 16753.597 1181.3576
robust.linear 46822.77 3842.3084162 23757.670 1355.2810 68716.060 2029.3408
robust.quadratic 86535.24 733.9635103 59444.789 13390.8015 25209.512 570.6399
mars 162718.71 0.1758477 11513.989 5794.5769 16691.964 356.4238
gam 78794.54 23.0378000 32008.330 2795.7431 11959.276 555.4946
quantile.0.1 16223.81 0.7585002 6490.447 401.6485 4957.238 523.3445
quantile.0.5 57492.87 4225.7159107 17970.458 1009.6185 84498.995 2156.3986
quantile.0.9 2219915.57 17235.9374532 132228.772 595338.4192 6713500.332 19828.9286
# adjust file path
            "d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/predicted_costs.csv", sep = ";")

Appendix to figure A

Appendix global.1: time lag in publications

Time lag

# Analysis of time lag
lag_plot <- ggplot(db.over.time,
       aes(y = Publication_lag)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = .2) +
  ylab("Publication lag (in years)") + 
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 16),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-25, 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100)) +
  xlab("") +
cairo_pdf("extend_data1.pdf", height = 4, width = 12)
## png 
##   2

Relationship between number of estimates and cost

# Relationship between number of estimates & cost value
       aes(x = number_estimates,
           y = cost,
           col = year)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth() +
  ylab("Cost per year in US$ million") + 
  xlab("Number of estimates") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  scale_color_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14))

# Number of estimates per year & cost value
       aes(x = year,
           y = number_estimates,
           size = cost)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth() +
  ylab("Number of estimates") + 
  xlab("Year") +
  theme_minimal() +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14))

Appendix global.2: Model fitting and evaluation

[This section will be completed in the Appendix in the main paper]

The 0.1 and 0.9 quantile regressions suggested increasing and extreme differences (0.1 quantile estimate in 2017: US$ billion 16.22; 0.9 quantile estimate in 2017: US$ billion 2219.92) between the years with lowest impacts and years with highest impacts. However, the incompleteness of data for recent years makes these estimations highly speculative for periods later than 2004.

Years below / above average trend

lin.years <- global.trend$estimated.annual.costs[which(global.trend$estimated.annual.costs$Year < global.trend$parameters$maximum.year &
                                            global.trend$estimated.annual.costs$Details == "Linear"), ]
lin.years$observed <- global.trend$$Annual.cost[match(lin.years$Year, 
lin.years$diff <- lin.years$observed - lin.years$fit 
lin.years$diff.upr <- lin.years$observed - lin.years$upr
lin.years$diff.lwr <- lin.years$observed - lin.years$lwr

length(which(lin.years$diff.upr > 0))
## [1] 21
length(which(lin.years$diff.lwr < 0))
## [1] 31

Model summaries

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of model fits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ______________________________     Ordinary Least Square regression models  _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## R squared:  0.6742191  - Adjusted R squared:  0.6742191                Estimate   Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -105.4890449 13.999669712 -7.535110 2.179750e-09
## Year           0.0547609  0.007061762  7.754566 1.058425e-09
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 43
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -32.15056 (df=3)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## R squared:  0.6745479  - Adjusted R squared:  0.6745479                 Estimate   Std. Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  3.078936e+02 2.216600e+03  0.1389035 0.8901903
## Year        -3.602996e-01 2.224609e+00 -0.1619608 0.8721134
## I(Year^2)    1.041819e-04 5.581298e-04  0.1866624 0.8528241
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 42
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -32.12784 (df=4)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________           Robust regression models           _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.41349 -0.17224 -0.01014  0.34127  1.53296 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -93.661247   8.990966  -10.42 2.46e-13 ***
## Year          0.048751   0.004537   10.74 9.31e-14 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.3216 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7892, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7843 
## Convergence in 12 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  observation 35 is an outlier with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0022); 
##  5 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 39 ones are summarized as
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.009949 0.825200 0.924800 0.836000 0.986500 0.998700 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year + I(Year^2), data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights, cov = ".vcov.w")
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.43887 -0.17229 -0.02735  0.30656  1.57689 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept)  2.511e+03  1.255e+03   2.001   0.0519 .
## Year        -2.566e+00  1.260e+00  -2.037   0.0480 *
## I(Year^2)    6.562e-04  3.161e-04   2.076   0.0441 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.2752 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8342, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8263 
## Convergence in 10 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  4 observations c(30,31,32,35) are outliers with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0022); 
##  3 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 38 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.3812  0.8298  0.9624  0.8867  0.9884  0.9989 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         7.378e-06         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"             ".vcov.w" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________          Generalized Additive Models          _______________________________
## Family: gaulss 
## Link function: identity logb 
## Formula:
## transf.cost ~ s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000015f16120>
## ~s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000015f16120>
## Parametric coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    3.48116    0.05636  61.762   <2e-16 ***
## (Intercept).1 -1.09501    0.11617  -9.426   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##             edf Ref.df Chi.sq  p-value    
## s(Year)   2.529  3.005 235.03  < 2e-16 ***
## s.1(Year) 4.427  5.248  23.51 0.000416 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Deviance explained = 88.1%
## -REML = 32.439  Scale est. = 1         n = 45
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________     Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines      _______________________________
## Call: earth(formula=transf.cost~Year, data=yearly.cost.calibration,
##             weights=incomplete.year.weights, pmethod="backward",
##             nprune=mars.nprune, nfold=5, ncross=30, varmod.method="lm")
##              coefficients
## (Intercept)     2.8607147
## h(Year-1989)    0.1501641
## h(Year-2004)   -0.5690581
## h(Year-2007)    0.5543884
## Selected 4 of 6 terms, and 1 of 1 predictors (nprune=10)
## Termination condition: RSq changed by less than 0.001 at 6 terms
## Importance: Year
## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 3 (additive model)
## GCV 0.2061979  RSS 6.616662  GRSq 0.7372182  RSq 0.8039996  CVRSq 0.59976
## Note: the cross-validation sd's below are standard deviations across folds
## Cross validation:   nterms 3.51 sd 0.82    nvars 1.00 sd 0.00
##      CVRSq    sd     MaxErr    sd
##        0.6 0.201       1.62 0.857
## varmod: method "lm" 0.0482    iter.rsq 0.161
## stddev of predictions:
##             coefficients iter.stderr iter.stderr%
## (Intercept)   -0.1348638    0.196846          146
## transf.cost    0.1715754   0.0596978           35
##                               mean   smallest    largest     ratio
## 95% prediction interval   1.888986   1.395355   2.910277   2.08569
##                                          68%    80%    90%    95% 
## response values in prediction interval   82     91     98     98  
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________            Quantile regressions               _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       0.1 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.1, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000015f16120>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients     lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -83.03585596 -93.40128046 -52.12008831
## Year          0.04325533   0.02758737   0.04842056
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  8.153171e-01  3.435940e-01  3.015330e-01  2.570833e-01  2.138280e-01 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
##  1.979126e-01  1.553110e-01  1.865275e-01  7.371635e-02  8.643924e-01 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  2.520190e-01  1.009602e+00  1.775473e-01  1.396046e-01  1.528939e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
##  3.944301e-02  6.041518e-03  5.042964e-04 -3.361350e-03 -6.060688e-04 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
##  4.729454e-01 -7.070252e-02  3.171465e-01  2.081584e-01  8.293227e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  5.168462e-01 -6.860498e-02  1.199041e-14  3.411796e-01  1.790943e+00 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.756788e+00  1.635481e+00  8.879341e-01  4.912530e-01  1.921811e+00 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  1.125952e+00  2.776900e-01  4.657592e-01  4.440892e-16  5.751826e-02 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
##  6.809377e-02  9.352929e-01  6.540670e-01  3.826862e-01  7.850811e-01 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.5 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.5, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000015f16120>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -99.36909811 -110.99860376 -89.51713784
## Year          0.05162554    0.04665242   0.05741113
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  6.592555e-01  1.791622e-01  1.287310e-01  7.591114e-02  2.428560e-02 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
##  4.440892e-15 -5.097181e-02 -2.812547e-02 -1.493069e-01  6.329990e-01 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  1.225534e-02  7.614686e-01 -7.895669e-02 -1.252696e-01 -1.203506e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
## -2.421716e-01 -2.839433e-01 -2.978508e-01 -3.100866e-01 -3.157015e-01 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
##  1.494797e-01 -4.025384e-01 -2.305962e-02 -1.404179e-01  4.723762e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  1.515295e-01 -4.422919e-01 -3.820571e-01 -4.924773e-02  1.392145e+00 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.349620e+00  1.219943e+00  4.640260e-01  5.897470e-02  1.481162e+00 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  6.769332e-01 -1.796990e-01 -2.664535e-15 -4.741294e-01 -4.249813e-01 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -4.227760e-01  4.360529e-01  1.464568e-01 -1.332942e-01  2.607305e-01 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.5
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.9 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.9, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000015f16120>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##              coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -144.01951778 -173.73182018 -47.46778706
## Year           0.07454926    0.03056296   0.08959365
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  1.499479e-01 -3.530692e-01 -4.264241e-01 -5.021677e-01 -5.767169e-01 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
## -6.239263e-01 -6.978218e-01 -6.978992e-01 -8.420043e-01 -8.262215e-02 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
## -7.262895e-01 -1.820766e-14 -8.633490e-01 -9.325856e-01 -9.505903e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
## -1.095335e+00 -1.160031e+00 -1.196862e+00 -1.232021e+00 -1.260560e+00 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
## -8.183023e-01 -1.393244e+00 -1.036689e+00 -1.176971e+00 -5.871007e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
## -9.308712e-01 -1.547616e+00 -1.510305e+00 -1.200420e+00  2.180500e-01 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.526006e-01  4.440892e-15 -7.788407e-01 -1.206816e+00  1.924481e-01 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
## -6.347047e-01 -1.514261e+00 -1.357485e+00 -1.854538e+00 -1.828314e+00 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -1.849032e+00 -1.013127e+00 -1.325647e+00 -1.628322e+00 -1.257221e+00 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.9
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary of model summaries

summary.models <- prettySummary(global.trend)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ordinary Least Square regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -105.489044881804 13.9996697121894 -7.53510954547412 2.17975036848317e-09
Year 0.0547609012543007 0.00706176190481712 7.75456635219407 1.05842544867867e-09
Adjusted R²
0.666642835480016 0.674219134673652
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Ordinary Least Square regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept 307.89364298252 2216.60033161386 0.138903544581873 0.890190272481419
Year -0.360299600623382 2.22460943198462 -0.16196083476188 0.87211336123343
Adjusted R²
0.65905020720394 0.674547925058306
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -93.6612474720254 8.99096629470269 -10.4172615492073 2.45992981202492e-13
Year 0.0487514648565585 0.00453702659918959 10.7452455458971 9.31494549229777e-14
Adjusted R²
0.784258712932898 0.789161924002605
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0 0.855040806645515 0.947822254937868 0.992814333923444 0.999978599527095
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept 2510.60936235261 1254.59974160552 2.00112376807903 0.0518685148548383
Year -2.56573294679132 1.25956772803921 -2.03699482741229 0.0479852705373734
Adjusted R²
0.826345216114038 0.834238615381582
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0 0.79787443115614 0.961674968633241 0.989012173589972 0.999785429572526
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
(Intercept) 2.86071468835477
h(Year-2004) -0.569058144886949
h(Year-1989) 0.150164093225849
h(Year-2007) 0.554388408884719
Generalized R² Generalized Cross-Validation Root Sum of Squares
0.737218238108215 0.803999553630301 0.20619790917489 6.61666179663426
Variance model
Estimate Standard error (last iteration) Standard error/coefficient %
Intercept -0.141609942882201 0.197711891600464 139.617238434262
Intercept 0.172483087955956 0.0600351142715953 34.8063772414171
R² for last iteration
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Generalized Additive Models
Parametric coefficients
Estimate Standard error z value p-value
Intercept (mean) 3.48115794132384 0.0563637125252753 61.7623961473932 0
Intercept (sd) -1.09501266879915 0.116168267180074 -9.42609109509875 4.25656733225113e-21
Smooth terms
Estimated degree of freedom Residual degree of freedom Chi² p-value
smooth (mean) 2.52867546861836 3.00513116096814 235.032869469843 0
smooth (sd) 4.42701336746575 5.24828108145192 23.5104232437925 0.000415848386082274
Explained deviance (%)
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Quantile regression
Coefficients quantile 0.1 Coefficients quantile 0.5 Coefficients quantile 0.9
Intercept -83.0358559569772 -99.3690981149183 -144.019517780825
Year 0.0432553340244475 0.051625538965215 0.0745492584223919
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
# adjust file path

Model figures

     models = c("ols.linear", "robust.linear", "robust.quadratic", "gam",
    "mars", "quantile"),
    graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14))


## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 1312 (number of individual year values: 3573)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 1,288,087.87
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 26,835.16
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   6,786.65      678.67               25
## 2         1980       1989        10  11,887.07    1,188.71               88
## 3         1990       1999        10 202,749.62   20,274.96              276
## 4         2000       2009        10 833,082.63   83,308.26              783
## 5         2010       2017         8 233,581.89   29,197.74              336
##   number_year_values middle.years
## 1                 84       1974.5
## 2                268       1984.5
## 3                781       1994.5
## 4               1970       2004.5
## 5                470       2013.5
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 91,979.90
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 102,620.61
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 46,822.77
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 86,535.24
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 162,718.71
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 78,794.54
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 16,223.81
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 57,492.87
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 2,219,915.57
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)

Appendix global.3

model Year Details fit lwr upr
1970 OLS regression 1970 Linear 245.4317 136.7201 5.822818e+02
1971 OLS regression 1971 Linear 278.4143 158.5962 5.956299e+02
1972 OLS regression 1972 Linear 315.8293 183.7766 6.149900e+02
1973 OLS regression 1973 Linear 358.2724 212.7004 6.419215e+02
1974 OLS regression 1974 Linear 406.4192 245.8468 6.787726e+02
1975 OLS regression 1975 Linear 461.0363 283.7342 7.289600e+02
1976 OLS regression 1976 Linear 522.9931 326.9176 7.971108e+02
1977 OLS regression 1977 Linear 593.2762 375.9849 8.887843e+02
1978 OLS regression 1978 Linear 673.0042 431.5534 1.009713e+03
1979 OLS regression 1979 Linear 763.4467 494.2652 1.165108e+03
1980 OLS regression 1980 Linear 866.0433 564.7859 1.359636e+03
1981 OLS regression 1981 Linear 982.4275 643.8046 1.597923e+03
1982 OLS regression 1982 Linear 1114.4521 732.0392 1.885044e+03
1983 OLS regression 1983 Linear 1264.2190 830.2450 2.226778e+03
1984 OLS regression 1984 Linear 1434.1125 939.2290 2.629682e+03
1985 OLS regression 1985 Linear 1626.8373 1059.8671 3.101089e+03
1986 OLS regression 1986 Linear 1845.4616 1193.1228 3.649076e+03
1987 OLS regression 1987 Linear 2093.4660 1340.0674 4.282441e+03
1988 OLS regression 1988 Linear 2374.7988 1501.8981 5.010688e+03
1989 OLS regression 1989 Linear 2693.9387 1679.9557 5.844031e+03
1990 OLS regression 1990 Linear 3055.9667 1875.7403 6.793421e+03
1991 OLS regression 1991 Linear 3466.6462 2090.9261 7.870613e+03
1992 OLS regression 1992 Linear 3932.5153 2327.3766 9.088287e+03
1993 OLS regression 1993 Linear 4460.9907 2587.1597 1.046024e+04
1994 OLS regression 1994 Linear 5060.4859 2872.5644 1.200168e+04
1995 OLS regression 1995 Linear 5740.5449 3186.1190 1.372969e+04
1996 OLS regression 1996 Linear 6511.9945 3530.6118 1.566384e+04
1997 OLS regression 1997 Linear 7387.1161 3909.1141 1.782711e+04
1998 OLS regression 1998 Linear 8379.8419 4325.0056 2.024712e+04
1999 OLS regression 1999 Linear 9505.9763 4782.0032 2.295787e+04
2000 OLS regression 2000 Linear 10783.4475 5284.1931 2.600208e+04
2001 OLS regression 2001 Linear 12232.5931 5836.0655 2.943429e+04
2002 OLS regression 2002 Linear 13876.4837 6442.5544 3.332500e+04
2003 OLS regression 2003 Linear 15741.2904 7109.0797 3.776617e+04
2004 OLS regression 2004 Linear 17856.7012 7841.5957 4.287830e+04
2005 OLS regression 2005 Linear 20256.3939 8646.6423 4.881959e+04
2006 OLS regression 2006 Linear 22978.5719 9531.4031 5.579766e+04
2007 OLS regression 2007 Linear 26066.5729 10503.7682 6.408442e+04
2008 OLS regression 2008 Linear 29569.5583 11572.4037 7.403508e+04
2009 OLS regression 2009 Linear 33543.2963 12746.8280 8.611251e+04
2010 OLS regression 2010 Linear 38051.0495 14037.4952 1.009189e+05
2011 OLS regression 2011 Linear 43164.5821 15455.8874 1.192378e+05
2012 OLS regression 2012 Linear 48965.3025 17014.6157 1.420902e+05
2013 OLS regression 2013 Linear 55545.5592 18727.5307 1.708110e+05
2014 OLS regression 2014 Linear 63010.1110 20609.8450 2.071525e+05
2015 OLS regression 2015 Linear 71477.7948 22678.2661 2.534267e+05
2016 OLS regression 2016 Linear 81083.4178 24951.1440 3.126997e+05
2017 OLS regression 2017 Linear 91979.9032 27448.6323 3.890589e+05
19701 OLS regression 1970 Quadratic 264.7175 111.5784 7.321475e+02
19711 OLS regression 1971 Quadratic 297.2102 138.9244 7.526587e+02
19721 OLS regression 1972 Quadratic 333.8513 171.4500 7.793883e+02
19731 OLS regression 1973 Quadratic 375.1897 209.4027 8.132671e+02
19741 OLS regression 1974 Quadratic 421.8491 252.5847 8.555056e+02
19751 OLS regression 1975 Quadratic 474.5387 300.1256 9.076508e+02
19761 OLS regression 1976 Quadratic 534.0655 350.4063 9.716403e+02
19771 OLS regression 1977 Quadratic 601.3479 401.4083 1.049840e+03
19781 OLS regression 1978 Quadratic 677.4316 451.5286 1.145044e+03
19791 OLS regression 1979 Quadratic 763.5077 500.2949 1.260435e+03
19801 OLS regression 1980 Quadratic 860.9338 548.3866 1.399490e+03
19811 OLS regression 1981 Quadratic 971.2578 597.1441 1.565889e+03
19821 OLS regression 1982 Quadratic 1096.2449 648.1082 1.763444e+03
19831 OLS regression 1983 Quadratic 1237.9099 702.8044 1.996071e+03
19841 OLS regression 1984 Quadratic 1398.5527 762.7089 2.267825e+03
19851 OLS regression 1985 Quadratic 1580.8003 829.2909 2.582953e+03
19861 OLS regression 1986 Quadratic 1787.6544 904.0776 2.945950e+03
19871 OLS regression 1987 Quadratic 2022.5462 988.7192 3.361620e+03
19881 OLS regression 1988 Quadratic 2289.4002 1085.0535 3.835120e+03
19891 OLS regression 1989 Quadratic 2592.7064 1195.1669 4.372023e+03
19901 OLS regression 1990 Quadratic 2937.6046 1321.4582 4.978381e+03
19911 OLS regression 1991 Quadratic 3329.9805 1466.7046 5.660834e+03
19921 OLS regression 1992 Quadratic 3776.5776 1634.1307 6.426764e+03
19931 OLS regression 1993 Quadratic 4285.1250 1827.4824 7.284541e+03
19941 OLS regression 1994 Quadratic 4864.4858 2051.1007 8.243881e+03
19951 OLS regression 1995 Quadratic 5524.8279 2309.9949 9.316393e+03
19961 OLS regression 1996 Quadratic 6277.8210 2609.9044 1.051638e+04
19971 OLS regression 1997 Quadratic 7136.8647 2957.3418 1.186199e+04
19981 OLS regression 1998 Quadratic 8117.3517 3359.5958 1.337692e+04
19991 OLS regression 1999 Quadratic 9236.9721 3824.6767 1.509278e+04
20001 OLS regression 2000 Quadratic 10516.0649 4361.1670 1.705234e+04
20011 OLS regression 2001 Quadratic 11978.0260 4977.9468 1.931400e+04
20021 OLS regression 2002 Quadratic 13649.7786 5683.7491 2.195733e+04
20031 OLS regression 2003 Quadratic 15562.3196 6486.5192 2.509002e+04
20041 OLS regression 2004 Quadratic 17751.3511 7392.5638 2.885568e+04
20051 OLS regression 2005 Quadratic 20258.0137 8405.5246 3.344289e+04
20061 OLS regression 2006 Quadratic 23129.7358 9525.2795 3.909557e+04
20071 OLS regression 2007 Quadratic 26421.2187 10746.9274 4.612645e+04
20081 OLS regression 2008 Quadratic 30195.5806 12060.0926 5.493566e+04
20091 OLS regression 2009 Quadratic 34525.6837 13448.7448 6.603732e+04
20101 OLS regression 2010 Quadratic 39495.6762 14891.6768 8.009683e+04
20111 OLS regression 2011 Quadratic 45202.7840 16363.5946 9.798226e+04
20121 OLS regression 2012 Quadratic 51759.3933 17836.6525 1.208342e+05
20131 OLS regression 2013 Quadratic 59295.4725 19282.1294 1.501606e+05
20141 OLS regression 2014 Quadratic 67961.3904 20671.9899 1.879655e+05
20151 OLS regression 2015 Quadratic 77931.1957 21980.1199 2.369258e+05
20161 OLS regression 2016 Quadratic 89406.4371 23183.1979 3.006327e+05
20171 OLS regression 2017 Quadratic 102620.6120 24261.1968 3.839266e+05
19702 Robust regression 1970 Linear 239.4078 159.2535 3.599048e+02
19712 Robust regression 1971 Linear 267.8488 180.3775 3.977381e+02
19722 Robust regression 1972 Linear 299.6686 204.1476 4.398841e+02
19732 Robust regression 1973 Linear 335.2685 230.8575 4.869018e+02
19742 Robust regression 1974 Linear 375.0975 260.8253 5.394343e+02
19752 Robust regression 1975 Linear 419.6581 294.3938 5.982223e+02
19762 Robust regression 1976 Linear 469.5124 331.9313 6.641191e+02
19772 Robust regression 1977 Linear 525.2893 373.8325 7.381082e+02
19782 Robust regression 1978 Linear 587.6923 420.5193 8.213231e+02
19792 Robust regression 1979 Linear 657.5087 472.4430 9.150684e+02
19802 Robust regression 1980 Linear 735.6190 530.0862 1.020844e+03
19812 Robust regression 1981 Linear 823.0087 593.9669 1.140372e+03
19822 Robust regression 1982 Linear 920.7800 664.6431 1.275626e+03
19832 Robust regression 1983 Linear 1030.1663 742.7188 1.428862e+03
19842 Robust regression 1984 Linear 1152.5474 828.8506 1.602660e+03
19852 Robust regression 1985 Linear 1289.4671 923.7562 1.799961e+03
19862 Robust regression 1986 Linear 1442.6525 1028.2227 2.024120e+03
19872 Robust regression 1987 Linear 1614.0359 1143.1158 2.278957e+03
19882 Robust regression 1988 Linear 1805.7793 1269.3895 2.568824e+03
19892 Robust regression 1989 Linear 2020.3012 1408.0956 2.898679e+03
19902 Robust regression 1990 Linear 2260.3078 1560.3941 3.274167e+03
19912 Robust regression 1991 Linear 2528.8266 1727.5638 3.701724e+03
19922 Robust regression 1992 Linear 2829.2448 1911.0137 4.188681e+03
19932 Robust regression 1993 Linear 3165.3518 2112.2946 4.743397e+03
19942 Robust regression 1994 Linear 3541.3875 2333.1126 5.375405e+03
19952 Robust regression 1995 Linear 3962.0953 2575.3428 6.095576e+03
19962 Robust regression 1996 Linear 4432.7821 2841.0454 6.916312e+03
19972 Robust regression 1997 Linear 4959.3853 3132.4821 7.851762e+03
19982 Robust regression 1998 Linear 5548.5475 3452.1351 8.918069e+03
19992 Robust regression 1999 Linear 6207.7008 3802.7279 1.013366e+04
20002 Robust regression 2000 Linear 6945.1598 4187.2478 1.151956e+04
20012 Robust regression 2001 Linear 7770.2270 4608.9704 1.309976e+04
20022 Robust regression 2002 Linear 8693.3101 5071.4877 1.490167e+04
20032 Robust regression 2003 Linear 9726.0531 5578.7377 1.695654e+04
20042 Robust regression 2004 Linear 10881.4833 6135.0373 1.930007e+04
20052 Robust regression 2005 Linear 12174.1757 6745.1187 2.197301e+04
20062 Robust regression 2006 Linear 13620.4366 7414.1691 2.502186e+04
20072 Robust regression 2007 Linear 15238.5097 8147.8740 2.849973e+04
20082 Robust regression 2008 Linear 17048.8057 8952.4652 3.246723e+04
20092 Robust regression 2009 Linear 19074.1602 9834.7727 3.699359e+04
20102 Robust regression 2010 Linear 21340.1216 10802.2826 4.215783e+04
20112 Robust regression 2011 Linear 23875.2735 11863.1994 4.805016e+04
20122 Robust regression 2012 Linear 26711.5949 13026.5152 5.477361e+04
20132 Robust regression 2013 Linear 29884.8640 14302.0850 6.244580e+04
20142 Robust regression 2014 Linear 33435.1095 15700.7096 7.120102e+04
20152 Robust regression 2015 Linear 37407.1149 17234.2259 8.119264e+04
20162 Robust regression 2016 Linear 41850.9845 18915.6065 9.259576e+04
20172 Robust regression 2017 Linear 46822.7744 20759.0685 1.056103e+05
19703 Robust regression 1970 Quadratic 372.5585 198.7284 6.984401e+02
19713 Robust regression 1971 Quadratic 390.2582 220.0625 6.920825e+02
19723 Robust regression 1972 Quadratic 410.0358 243.3672 6.908463e+02
19733 Robust regression 1973 Quadratic 432.1194 268.7127 6.948954e+02
19743 Robust regression 1974 Quadratic 456.7706 296.1345 7.045427e+02
19753 Robust regression 1975 Quadratic 484.2892 325.6267 7.202607e+02
19763 Robust regression 1976 Quadratic 515.0196 357.1433 7.426857e+02
19773 Robust regression 1977 Quadratic 549.3575 390.6153 7.726109e+02
19783 Robust regression 1978 Quadratic 587.7581 425.9885 8.109598e+02
19793 Robust regression 1979 Quadratic 630.7460 463.2818 8.587440e+02
19803 Robust regression 1980 Quadratic 678.9263 502.6532 9.170160e+02
19813 Robust regression 1981 Quadratic 732.9986 544.4510 9.868417e+02
19823 Robust regression 1982 Quadratic 793.7722 589.2365 1.069306e+03
19833 Robust regression 1983 Quadratic 862.1860 637.7765 1.165557e+03
19843 Robust regression 1984 Quadratic 939.3304 691.0235 1.276862e+03
19853 Robust regression 1985 Quadratic 1026.4742 750.0991 1.404680e+03
19863 Robust regression 1986 Quadratic 1125.0971 816.2940 1.550720e+03
19873 Robust regression 1987 Quadratic 1236.9277 891.0853 1.716996e+03
19883 Robust regression 1988 Quadratic 1363.9890 976.1695 1.905884e+03
19893 Robust regression 1989 Quadratic 1508.6544 1073.5098 2.120184e+03
19903 Robust regression 1990 Quadratic 1673.7129 1185.3956 2.363190e+03
19913 Robust regression 1991 Quadratic 1862.4492 1314.5124 2.638786e+03
19923 Robust regression 1992 Quadratic 2078.7403 1464.0239 2.951565e+03
19933 Robust regression 1993 Quadratic 2327.1711 1637.6644 3.306981e+03
19943 Robust regression 1994 Quadratic 2613.1763 1839.8417 3.711564e+03
19953 Robust regression 1995 Quadratic 2943.2111 2075.7475 4.173191e+03
19963 Robust regression 1996 Quadratic 3324.9599 2351.4700 4.701467e+03
19973 Robust regression 1997 Quadratic 3767.5906 2674.0971 5.308236e+03
19983 Robust regression 1998 Quadratic 4282.0655 3051.7961 6.008293e+03
19993 Robust regression 1999 Quadratic 4881.5215 3493.8459 6.820350e+03
20003 Robust regression 2000 Quadratic 5581.7375 4010.5946 7.768373e+03
20013 Robust regression 2001 Quadratic 6401.7088 4613.3177 8.883384e+03
20023 Robust regression 2002 Quadratic 7364.3550 5313.9701 1.020588e+04
20033 Robust regression 2003 Quadratic 8497.3954 6124.8695 1.178894e+04
20043 Robust regression 2004 Quadratic 9834.4309 7058.4003 1.370226e+04
20053 Robust regression 2005 Quadratic 11416.2888 8126.8906 1.603709e+04
20063 Robust regression 2006 Quadratic 13292.6925 9342.7900 1.891252e+04
20073 Robust regression 2007 Quadratic 15524.3445 10719.1991 2.248351e+04
20083 Robust regression 2008 Quadratic 18185.5269 12270.6416 2.695160e+04
20093 Robust regression 2009 Quadratic 21367.3569 14013.8870 3.257939e+04
20103 Robust regression 2010 Quadratic 25181.8727 15968.6552 3.971071e+04
20113 Robust regression 2011 Quadratic 29767.1698 18158.1331 4.879821e+04
20123 Robust regression 2012 Quadratic 35293.8769 20609.3419 6.044141e+04
20133 Robust regression 2013 Quadratic 41973.3362 23353.4329 7.543906e+04
20143 Robust regression 2014 Quadratic 50067.9622 26425.9896 9.486119e+04
20153 Robust regression 2015 Quadratic 59904.3890 29867.3896 1.201490e+05
20163 Robust regression 2016 Quadratic 71890.1966 33723.2459 1.532533e+05
20173 Robust regression 2017 Quadratic 86535.2399 38044.9517 1.968289e+05
19704 MARS 1970 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19714 MARS 1971 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19724 MARS 1972 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19734 MARS 1973 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19744 MARS 1974 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19754 MARS 1975 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19764 MARS 1976 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19774 MARS 1977 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19784 MARS 1978 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19794 MARS 1979 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19804 MARS 1980 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19814 MARS 1981 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19824 MARS 1982 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19834 MARS 1983 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19844 MARS 1984 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19854 MARS 1985 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19864 MARS 1986 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19874 MARS 1987 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19884 MARS 1988 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19894 MARS 1989 725.6291 145.5584 3.617362e+03
19904 MARS 1990 1025.3657 183.1066 5.741871e+03
19914 MARS 1991 1448.9149 230.3408 9.114125e+03
19924 MARS 1992 2047.4201 289.7594 1.446693e+04
19934 MARS 1993 2893.1507 364.5056 2.296349e+04
19944 MARS 1994 4088.2284 458.5333 3.645016e+04
19954 MARS 1995 5776.9585 576.8163 5.785767e+04
19964 MARS 1996 8163.2546 725.6116 9.183801e+04
19974 MARS 1997 11535.2612 912.7900 1.457753e+05
19984 MARS 1998 16300.1472 1148.2530 2.313905e+05
19994 MARS 1999 23033.2712 1444.4558 3.672882e+05
20004 MARS 2000 32547.6557 1817.0670 5.829999e+05
20014 MARS 2001 45992.1601 2285.7968 9.254011e+05
20024 MARS 2002 64990.2040 2875.4400 1.468898e+06
20034 MARS 2003 91835.7958 3617.1872 2.331594e+06
20044 MARS 2004 129770.5325 4550.2753 3.700961e+06
20054 MARS 2005 49463.1801 2398.8879 1.019892e+06
20064 MARS 2006 18853.3263 1264.6846 2.810566e+05
20074 MARS 2007 7186.1112 666.7369 7.745213e+04
20084 MARS 2008 9817.2147 820.1336 1.175146e+05
20094 MARS 2009 13411.6634 1008.8224 1.782997e+05
20104 MARS 2010 18322.1740 1240.9230 2.705261e+05
20114 MARS 2011 25030.6058 1526.4231 4.104571e+05
20124 MARS 2012 34195.2449 1877.6085 6.227681e+05
20134 MARS 2013 46715.4004 2309.5914 9.448981e+05
20144 MARS 2014 63819.6521 2840.9610 1.433652e+06
20154 MARS 2015 87186.4088 3494.5831 2.175215e+06
20164 MARS 2016 119108.6073 4298.5847 3.300356e+06
20174 MARS 2017 162718.7143 5287.5635 5.007482e+06
19705 GAM 1970 414.8239 237.4243 7.247735e+02
19715 GAM 1971 427.5848 264.4702 6.913020e+02
19725 GAM 1972 441.4140 290.7849 6.700705e+02
19735 GAM 1973 457.2298 315.0350 6.636058e+02
19745 GAM 1974 475.9957 337.0230 6.722744e+02
19755 GAM 1975 498.5025 357.7193 6.946921e+02
19765 GAM 1976 525.2333 378.3766 7.290883e+02
19775 GAM 1977 556.3217 399.9247 7.738802e+02
19785 GAM 1978 591.6096 423.0964 8.272390e+02
19795 GAM 1979 630.8037 448.6460 8.869205e+02
19805 GAM 1980 673.7168 477.2428 9.510764e+02
19815 GAM 1981 720.5464 509.3203 1.019372e+03
19825 GAM 1982 772.1292 545.2740 1.093365e+03
19835 GAM 1983 830.1110 585.9597 1.175993e+03
19845 GAM 1984 897.0064 633.0339 1.271054e+03
19855 GAM 1985 976.1635 688.7847 1.383444e+03
19865 GAM 1986 1071.6753 755.6616 1.519844e+03
19875 GAM 1987 1188.2777 836.0164 1.688967e+03
19885 GAM 1988 1331.2647 932.2403 1.901082e+03
19895 GAM 1989 1506.4280 1046.9158 2.167629e+03
19905 GAM 1990 1720.0295 1182.5398 2.501820e+03
19915 GAM 1991 1978.8127 1341.0386 2.919901e+03
19925 GAM 1992 2290.0631 1523.8433 3.441554e+03
19935 GAM 1993 2661.7123 1732.7998 4.088592e+03
19945 GAM 1994 3102.4586 1971.1106 4.883161e+03
19955 GAM 1995 3621.8395 2243.3868 5.847285e+03
19965 GAM 1996 4230.1808 2555.0557 7.003538e+03
19975 GAM 1997 4938.3689 2912.2289 8.374166e+03
19985 GAM 1998 5757.4611 3322.5139 9.976891e+03
19995 GAM 1999 6698.2527 3795.9214 1.181968e+04
20005 GAM 2000 7771.0285 4344.7404 1.389931e+04
20015 GAM 2001 8985.7809 4982.6175 1.620519e+04
20025 GAM 2002 10353.1456 5724.5558 1.872418e+04
20035 GAM 2003 11886.1528 6589.1124 2.144153e+04
20045 GAM 2004 13602.6642 7601.5706 2.434135e+04
20055 GAM 2005 15528.1342 8794.8982 2.741623e+04
20065 GAM 2006 17698.1930 10206.7954 3.068799e+04
20075 GAM 2007 20160.5461 11875.1018 3.422687e+04
20085 GAM 2008 22975.7956 13834.8296 3.815639e+04
20095 GAM 2009 26216.9492 16113.1915 4.265626e+04
20105 GAM 2010 29967.5734 18708.6613 4.800212e+04
20115 GAM 2011 34318.8017 21546.9466 5.466112e+04
20125 GAM 2012 39365.8787 24450.5825 6.337977e+04
20135 GAM 2013 45205.7855 27196.2110 7.514146e+04
20145 GAM 2014 51938.9112 29645.4218 9.099720e+04
20155 GAM 2015 59679.7875 31798.8566 1.120065e+05
20165 GAM 2016 68574.3493 33719.6420 1.394570e+05
20175 GAM 2017 78794.5396 35470.8925 1.750331e+05
19706 Quantile regression 1970 Quantile 0.1 150.3668 119.0731 1.898849e+02
19716 Quantile regression 1971 Quantile 0.1 166.1144 132.5982 2.081024e+02
19726 Quantile regression 1972 Quantile 0.1 183.5113 147.6423 2.280944e+02
19736 Quantile regression 1973 Quantile 0.1 202.7300 164.3718 2.500396e+02
19746 Quantile regression 1974 Quantile 0.1 223.9615 182.9703 2.741361e+02
19756 Quantile regression 1975 Quantile 0.1 247.4165 203.6402 3.006035e+02
19766 Quantile regression 1976 Quantile 0.1 273.3280 226.6040 3.296861e+02
19776 Quantile regression 1977 Quantile 0.1 301.9530 252.1059 3.616560e+02
19786 Quantile regression 1978 Quantile 0.1 333.5760 280.4139 3.968167e+02
19796 Quantile regression 1979 Quantile 0.1 368.5107 311.8205 4.355073e+02
19806 Quantile regression 1980 Quantile 0.1 407.1040 346.6450 4.781079e+02
19816 Quantile regression 1981 Quantile 0.1 449.7392 385.2344 5.250449e+02
19826 Quantile regression 1982 Quantile 0.1 496.8395 427.9651 5.767981e+02
19836 Quantile regression 1983 Quantile 0.1 548.8724 475.2437 6.339083e+02
19846 Quantile regression 1984 Quantile 0.1 606.3547 527.5089 6.969855e+02
19856 Quantile regression 1985 Quantile 0.1 669.8570 585.2318 7.667190e+02
19866 Quantile regression 1986 Quantile 0.1 740.0097 648.9183 8.438880e+02
19876 Quantile regression 1987 Quantile 0.1 817.5094 719.1104 9.293727e+02
19886 Quantile regression 1988 Quantile 0.1 903.1255 796.3897 1.024166e+03
19896 Quantile regression 1989 Quantile 0.1 997.7079 881.3808 1.129388e+03
19906 Quantile regression 1990 Quantile 0.1 1102.1958 974.7578 1.246295e+03
19916 Quantile regression 1991 Quantile 0.1 1217.6265 1077.2505 1.376295e+03
19926 Quantile regression 1992 Quantile 0.1 1345.1460 1189.6540 1.520961e+03
19936 Quantile regression 1993 Quantile 0.1 1486.0203 1312.8385 1.682047e+03
19946 Quantile regression 1994 Quantile 0.1 1641.6482 1447.7601 1.861502e+03
19956 Quantile regression 1995 Quantile 0.1 1813.5746 1595.4722 2.061492e+03
19966 Quantile regression 1996 Quantile 0.1 2003.5065 1757.1368 2.284420e+03
19976 Quantile regression 1997 Quantile 0.1 2213.3296 1934.0360 2.532956e+03
19986 Quantile regression 1998 Quantile 0.1 2445.1270 2127.5834 2.810064e+03
19996 Quantile regression 1999 Quantile 0.1 2701.2001 2339.3356 3.119040e+03
20006 Quantile regression 2000 Quantile 0.1 2984.0912 2571.0048 3.463549e+03
20016 Quantile regression 2001 Quantile 0.1 3296.6089 2824.4723 3.847667e+03
20026 Quantile regression 2002 Quantile 0.1 3641.8559 3101.8024 4.275938e+03
20036 Quantile regression 2003 Quantile 0.1 4023.2599 3405.2589 4.753418e+03
20046 Quantile regression 2004 Quantile 0.1 4444.6076 3737.3230 5.285745e+03
20056 Quantile regression 2005 Quantile 0.1 4910.0822 4100.7121 5.879200e+03
20066 Quantile regression 2006 Quantile 0.1 5424.3049 4498.4023 6.540785e+03
20076 Quantile regression 2007 Quantile 0.1 5992.3812 4933.6519 7.278307e+03
20086 Quantile regression 2008 Quantile 0.1 6619.9508 5410.0272 8.100467e+03
20096 Quantile regression 2009 Quantile 0.1 7313.2446 5931.4322 9.016970e+03
20106 Quantile regression 2010 Quantile 0.1 8079.1455 6502.1396 1.003863e+04
20116 Quantile regression 2011 Quantile 0.1 8925.2577 7126.8258 1.117752e+04
20126 Quantile regression 2012 Quantile 0.1 9859.9815 7810.6089 1.244708e+04
20136 Quantile regression 2013 Quantile 0.1 10892.5970 8559.0903 1.386230e+04
20146 Quantile regression 2014 Quantile 0.1 12033.3561 9378.4004 1.543991e+04
20156 Quantile regression 2015 Quantile 0.1 13293.5846 10275.2488 1.719855e+04
20166 Quantile regression 2016 Quantile 0.1 14685.7941 11256.9786 1.915901e+04
20176 Quantile regression 2017 Quantile 0.1 16223.8070 12331.6266 2.134446e+04
19707 Quantile regression 1970 Quantile 0.5 215.3841 132.2347 3.508181e+02
19717 Quantile regression 1971 Quantile 0.5 242.5712 152.2634 3.864408e+02
19727 Quantile regression 1972 Quantile 0.5 273.1900 175.1637 4.260743e+02
19737 Quantile regression 1973 Quantile 0.5 307.6736 201.2941 4.702724e+02
19747 Quantile regression 1974 Quantile 0.5 346.5100 231.0400 5.196900e+02
19757 Quantile regression 1975 Quantile 0.5 390.2486 264.8103 5.751059e+02
19767 Quantile regression 1976 Quantile 0.5 439.5081 303.0315 6.374498e+02
19777 Quantile regression 1977 Quantile 0.5 494.9854 346.1409 7.078348e+02
19787 Quantile regression 1978 Quantile 0.5 557.4655 394.5787 7.875939e+02
19797 Quantile regression 1979 Quantile 0.5 627.8321 448.7807 8.783201e+02
19807 Quantile regression 1980 Quantile 0.5 707.0808 509.1743 9.819097e+02
19817 Quantile regression 1981 Quantile 0.5 796.3327 576.1790 1.100606e+03
19827 Quantile regression 1982 Quantile 0.5 896.8506 650.2139 1.237041e+03
19837 Quantile regression 1983 Quantile 0.5 1010.0565 731.7128 1.394282e+03
19847 Quantile regression 1984 Quantile 0.5 1137.5518 821.1444 1.575879e+03
19857 Quantile regression 1985 Quantile 0.5 1281.1404 919.0339 1.785920e+03
19867 Quantile regression 1986 Quantile 0.5 1442.8536 1025.9846 2.029101e+03
19877 Quantile regression 1987 Quantile 0.5 1624.9792 1142.6941 2.310817e+03
19887 Quantile regression 1988 Quantile 0.5 1830.0938 1269.9664 2.637269e+03
19897 Quantile regression 1989 Quantile 0.5 2061.0992 1408.7194 3.015597e+03
19907 Quantile regression 1990 Quantile 0.5 2321.2634 1559.9903 3.454037e+03
19917 Quantile regression 1991 Quantile 0.5 2614.2671 1724.9394 3.962106e+03
19927 Quantile regression 1992 Quantile 0.5 2944.2556 1904.8552 4.550813e+03
19937 Quantile regression 1993 Quantile 0.5 3315.8971 2101.1601 5.232906e+03
19947 Quantile regression 1994 Quantile 0.5 3734.4494 2315.4181 6.023151e+03
19957 Quantile regression 1995 Quantile 0.5 4205.8339 2549.3443 6.938662e+03
19967 Quantile regression 1996 Quantile 0.5 4736.7194 2804.8162 7.999280e+03
19977 Quantile regression 1997 Quantile 0.5 5334.6164 3083.8876 9.228006e+03
19987 Quantile regression 1998 Quantile 0.5 6007.9836 3388.8030 1.065151e+04
19997 Quantile regression 1999 Quantile 0.5 6766.3472 3722.0155 1.230072e+04
20007 Quantile regression 2000 Quantile 0.5 7620.4359 4086.2050 1.421149e+04
20017 Quantile regression 2001 Quantile 0.5 8582.3329 4484.2999 1.642540e+04
20027 Quantile regression 2002 Quantile 0.5 9665.6462 4919.4998 1.899069e+04
20037 Quantile regression 2003 Quantile 0.5 10885.7018 5395.3009 2.196328e+04
20047 Quantile regression 2004 Quantile 0.5 12259.7601 5915.5236 2.540802e+04
20057 Quantile regression 2005 Quantile 0.5 13807.2602 6484.3432 2.940011e+04
20067 Quantile regression 2006 Quantile 0.5 15550.0951 7106.3229 3.402680e+04
20077 Quantile regression 2007 Quantile 0.5 17512.9210 7786.4498 3.938925e+04
20087 Quantile regression 2008 Quantile 0.5 19723.5065 8530.1752 4.560477e+04
20097 Quantile regression 2009 Quantile 0.5 22213.1253 9343.4574 5.280946e+04
20107 Quantile regression 2010 Quantile 0.5 25016.9987 10232.8094 6.116113e+04
20117 Quantile regression 2011 Quantile 0.5 28174.7937 11205.3507 7.084285e+04
20127 Quantile regression 2012 Quantile 0.5 31731.1844 12268.8636 8.206694e+04
20137 Quantile regression 2013 Quantile 0.5 35736.4841 13431.8554 9.507966e+04
20147 Quantile regression 2014 Quantile 0.5 40247.3565 14703.6260 1.101667e+05
20157 Quantile regression 2015 Quantile 0.5 45327.6183 16094.3414 1.276593e+05
20167 Quantile regression 2016 Quantile 0.5 51049.1410 17615.1152 1.479420e+05
20177 Quantile regression 2017 Quantile 0.5 57492.8686 19278.0962 1.714604e+05
19708 Quantile regression 1970 Quantile 0.9 695.8591 193.9546 2.496563e+03
19718 Quantile regression 1971 Quantile 0.9 826.1722 241.9242 2.821382e+03
19728 Quantile regression 1972 Quantile 0.9 980.8889 301.3893 3.192360e+03
19738 Quantile regression 1973 Quantile 0.9 1164.5794 374.9539 3.617099e+03
19748 Quantile regression 1974 Quantile 0.9 1382.6694 465.7494 4.104728e+03
19758 Quantile regression 1975 Quantile 0.9 1641.6010 577.5155 4.666288e+03
19768 Quantile regression 1976 Quantile 0.9 1949.0225 714.6815 5.315219e+03
19778 Quantile regression 1977 Quantile 0.9 2314.0147 882.4455 6.067983e+03
19788 Quantile regression 1978 Quantile 0.9 2747.3588 1086.8414 6.944878e+03
19798 Quantile regression 1979 Quantile 0.9 3261.8549 1334.7877 7.971078e+03
19808 Quantile regression 1980 Quantile 0.9 3872.7004 1634.1090 9.177973e+03
19818 Quantile regression 1981 Quantile 0.9 4597.9385 1993.5217 1.060487e+04
19828 Quantile regression 1982 Quantile 0.9 5458.9914 2422.5834 1.230116e+04
19838 Quantile regression 1983 Quantile 0.9 6481.2932 2931.6102 1.432904e+04
19848 Quantile regression 1984 Quantile 0.9 7695.0408 3531.5799 1.676690e+04
19858 Quantile regression 1985 Quantile 0.9 9136.0862 4234.0476 1.971354e+04
19868 Quantile regression 1986 Quantile 0.9 10846.9952 5051.1098 2.329336e+04
19878 Quantile regression 1987 Quantile 0.9 12878.3049 5995.4488 2.766277e+04
19888 Quantile regression 1988 Quantile 0.9 15290.0168 7080.4793 3.301819e+04
19898 Quantile regression 1989 Quantile 0.9 18153.3684 8320.5977 3.960590e+04
19908 Quantile regression 1990 Quantile 0.9 21552.9380 9731.5163 4.773451e+04
19918 Quantile regression 1991 Quantile 0.9 25589.1428 11330.6513 5.779052e+04
19928 Quantile regression 1992 Quantile 0.9 30381.2051 13137.5344 7.025806e+04
19938 Quantile regression 1993 Quantile 0.9 36070.6738 15174.2239 8.574366e+04
19948 Quantile regression 1994 Quantile 0.9 42825.6056 17465.7066 1.050076e+05
19958 Quantile regression 1995 Quantile 0.9 50845.5292 20040.2924 1.290035e+05
19968 Quantile regression 1996 Quantile 0.9 60367.3387 22930.0114 1.589278e+05
19978 Quantile regression 1997 Quantile 0.9 71672.2913 26171.0284 1.962826e+05
19988 Quantile regression 1998 Quantile 0.9 85094.3151 29804.0882 2.429547e+05
19998 Quantile regression 1999 Quantile 0.9 101029.8726 33875.0066 3.013146e+05
20008 Quantile regression 2000 Quantile 0.9 119949.6718 38435.2172 3.743422e+05
20018 Quantile regression 2001 Quantile 0.9 142412.5695 43542.3862 4.657838e+05
20028 Quantile regression 2002 Quantile 0.9 169082.0796 49261.1036 5.803514e+05
20038 Quantile regression 2003 Quantile 0.9 200745.9717 55663.6614 7.239722e+05
20048 Quantile regression 2004 Quantile 0.9 238339.5405 62830.9275 9.041047e+05
20058 Quantile regression 2005 Quantile 0.9 282973.2326 70853.3276 1.130135e+06
20068 Quantile regression 2006 Quantile 0.9 335965.4475 79831.9450 1.413880e+06
20078 Quantile regression 2007 Quantile 0.9 398881.4803 89879.7530 1.770214e+06
20088 Quantile regression 2008 Quantile 0.9 473579.7581 101122.9932 2.217871e+06
20098 Quantile regression 2009 Quantile 0.9 562266.7342 113702.7174 2.780443e+06
20108 Quantile regression 2010 Quantile 0.9 667562.0631 127776.5105 3.487645e+06
20118 Quantile regression 2011 Quantile 0.9 792575.9804 143520.4157 4.376915e+06
20128 Quantile regression 2012 Quantile 0.9 941001.1735 161131.0856 5.495421e+06
20138 Quantile regression 2013 Quantile 0.9 1117221.8568 180828.1830 6.902600e+06
20148 Quantile regression 2014 Quantile 0.9 1326443.2739 202857.0643 8.673357e+06
20158 Quantile regression 2015 Quantile 0.9 1574845.4510 227491.7735 1.090210e+07
20168 Quantile regression 2016 Quantile 0.9 1869765.7436 255038.3863 1.370783e+07
20178 Quantile regression 2017 Quantile 0.9 2219915.5694 285838.7435 1.724058e+07

Appendix to figure B

Appendix Taxo.1: single-group estimates versus multi-group estimates

Number of estimates per group:

x freq
Animalia 2752
Animalia/Plantae 11
Chromista 1
Diverse/Unspecified 172
Plantae 670
x freq
Arthropoda 1567
Arthropoda/Chordata/Tracheophyta 1
Chlorophyta 7
Chordata 1028
Ctenophora 1
Diverse/Unspecified 276
Mollusca 104
Nematoda 39
Ochrophyta 1
Tracheophyta 582
x freq
Actinopterygii 2
Actinopterygii/Magnoliopsida/Malacostraca/Mammalia 1
Amphibia 120
Amphibia/Reptilia 1
Arachnida 2
Arachnida/Insecta 3
Aves 56
Aves/Mammalia 1
Bacillariophyceae 1
Bivalvia 73
Cephalaspidomorphi 2
Diverse/Unspecified 278
Gastropoda 31
Insecta 1558
Liliopsida 99
Magnoliopsida 461
Malacostraca 3
Mammalia 817
Pinopsida 15
Polypodiopsida 7
Reptilia 29
Secernentea 39
Ulvophyceae 7 <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  db.over.time$Kingdom %in% "Plantae" |
    db.over.time$Phylum %in% c("Arthropoda", 
                               "Nematoda")), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017) <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  db.over.time$Kingdom %in% c("Animalia/Plantae", "Diverse/Unspecified") |
    !(db.over.time$Kingdom %in% "Plantae") &
    db.over.time$Phylum %in% c("Diverse/Unspecified")), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017)

In total, there are 1319 economic estimates in the database after we applied our filters. Out of these, there were 1223 economic estimates that could be attributed to a single major taxonomic group (Plantae, Arthropoda or Chordata), i.e. 92.72%. However, these single-group estimates accounted in total for US$ billion 591, i.e. 45.85 % of the global cumulated cost of invasive species. Multi-group estimates accounted for US$ billion 698, i.e. 54.15 % of the global cumulated cost.

p1 <- plot(, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12)) + 
  ggtitle("a. Single-group estimates")
p2 <- plot(, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12)) +
  ggtitle("b. Multi-group estimates")
plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 1, align = "v")

Appendix Taxo.2: values


## $Plants
## $Plants$Plants
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 221 (number of individual year values: 670)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 8,902.48
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 185.47
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       5.75        0.58                3
## 2         1980       1989        10     119.14       11.91                5
## 3         1990       1999        10   3,305.59      330.56               63
## 4         2000       2009        10   2,715.33      271.53              168
## 5         2010       2017         8   2,756.67      344.58               18
##   number_year_values
## 1                 12
## 2                 28
## 3                198
## 4                401
## 5                 31
## $Plants$Liliopsida
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 33 (number of individual year values: 99)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 1,792.75
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 37.35
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10     106.01       10.60                2
## 3         1990       1999        10     119.31       11.93                6
## 4         2000       2009        10     187.13       18.71               24
## 5         2010       2017         8   1,380.30      172.54                6
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                 11
## 3                 22
## 4                 51
## 5                 15
## $Plants$Magnoliopsida
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 142 (number of individual year values: 461)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 3,694.23
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 76.96
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       5.75        0.58                3
## 2         1980       1989        10      13.13        1.31                3
## 3         1990       1999        10   2,668.80      266.88               48
## 4         2000       2009        10     724.50       72.45              106
## 5         2010       2017         8     282.05       35.26                9
##   number_year_values
## 1                 12
## 2                 17
## 3                149
## 4                270
## 5                 13
## $Plants$Pinopsida
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 2 (number of individual year values: 15)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 27.16
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 0.57
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 3         1990       1999        10       9.03        0.90                1
## 4         2000       2009        10      18.13        1.81                2
## 5         2010       2017         8       <NA>        <NA>                0
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  0
## 3                  5
## 4                 10
## 5                  0
## $Plants$Ulvophyceae
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 2 (number of individual year values: 7)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 22.79
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 0.47
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 3         1990       1999        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 4         2000       2009        10      22.79        2.28                2
## 5         2010       2017         8       <NA>        <NA>                0
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  0
## 3                  0
## 4                  7
## 5                  0
## $Invertebrates
## $Invertebrates$Invertebrates
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 469 (number of individual year values: 1711)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 415,696.90
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 8,660.35
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   4,279.98      428.00               16
## 2         1980       1989        10  11,641.18    1,164.12               43
## 3         1990       1999        10  24,631.30    2,463.13              105
## 4         2000       2009        10 227,826.74   22,782.67              241
## 5         2010       2017         8 147,317.70   18,414.71              164
##   number_year_values
## 1                 56
## 2                168
## 3                286
## 4                975
## 5                226
## $Invertebrates$Insecta
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 436 (number of individual year values: 1558)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 378,411.47
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 7,883.57
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   4,279.98      428.00               16
## 2         1980       1989        10   9,767.90      976.79               37
## 3         1990       1999        10  21,869.88    2,186.99               93
## 4         2000       2009        10 196,789.81   19,678.98              217
## 5         2010       2017         8 145,703.90   18,212.99              160
##   number_year_values
## 1                 56
## 2                141
## 3                220
## 4                920
## 5                221
## $Invertebrates$Bivalvia
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 12 (number of individual year values: 73)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 3,133.57
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 65.28
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10     331.55       33.15                3
## 3         1990       1999        10   1,803.90      180.39                4
## 4         2000       2009        10     997.83       99.78               11
## 5         2010       2017         8       0.30        0.04                1
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  5
## 3                 35
## 4                 32
## 5                  1
## $Invertebrates$Gastropoda
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 8 (number of individual year values: 31)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 3,365.01
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 70.10
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10   1,386.33      138.63                2
## 3         1990       1999        10     276.80       27.68                4
## 4         2000       2009        10      89.13        8.91                3
## 5         2010       2017         8   1,612.75      201.59                2
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                 14
## 3                 10
## 4                  4
## 5                  3
## $Invertebrates$Secernentea
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 3 (number of individual year values: 39)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 440.82
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 9.18
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10     155.40       15.54                1
## 3         1990       1999        10     211.56       21.16                2
## 4         2000       2009        10      73.87        7.39                3
## 5         2010       2017         8       <NA>        <NA>                0
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  8
## 3                 19
## 4                 12
## 5                  0
## $Vertebrates
## $Vertebrates$Vertebrates
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 526 (number of individual year values: 995)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 165,949.14
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 3,457.27
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   2,500.92      250.09                6
## 2         1980       1989        10     121.07       12.11               39
## 3         1990       1999        10     529.54       52.95               84
## 4         2000       2009        10 143,040.45   14,304.04              314
## 5         2010       2017         8  19,757.16    2,469.65              131
##   number_year_values
## 1                 16
## 2                 69
## 3                233
## 4                495
## 5                182
## $Vertebrates$Amphibia
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 18 (number of individual year values: 120)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 39.07
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 0.81
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       3.48        0.35                4
## 3         1990       1999        10      15.02        1.50                6
## 4         2000       2009        10      19.82        1.98               15
## 5         2010       2017         8       0.74        0.09                3
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                 13
## 3                 55
## 4                 49
## 5                  3
## $Vertebrates$Reptilia
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 18 (number of individual year values: 29)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 15,015.68
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 312.83
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 3         1990       1999        10      13.76        1.38                4
## 4         2000       2009        10  14,999.09    1,499.91               11
## 5         2010       2017         8       2.84        0.35                4
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  0
## 3                 11
## 4                 13
## 5                  5
## $Vertebrates$Aves
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 29 (number of individual year values: 56)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 6,230.96
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 129.81
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       4.68        0.47                1
## 2         1980       1989        10       9.89        0.99                2
## 3         1990       1999        10      40.74        4.07                3
## 4         2000       2009        10   6,010.98      601.10               19
## 5         2010       2017         8     164.67       20.58                6
##   number_year_values
## 1                  1
## 2                  2
## 3                 10
## 4                 31
## 5                 12
## $Vertebrates$Mammalia
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 455 (number of individual year values: 784)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 144,618.01
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 3,012.88
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   2,496.25      249.62                5
## 2         1980       1989        10     107.70       10.77               33
## 3         1990       1999        10     452.90       45.29               69
## 4         2000       2009        10 121,992.95   12,199.29              266
## 5         2010       2017         8  19,568.22    2,446.03              117
##   number_year_values
## 1                 15
## 2                 54
## 3                155
## 4                399
## 5                161
## $Mixed
## $Mixed$Mixed
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 95 (number of individual year values: 196)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 697,531.31
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 14,531.90
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       5.68        0.57                1
## 3         1990       1999        10 174,283.19   17,428.32               24
## 4         2000       2009        10 459,492.07   45,949.21               59
## 5         2010       2017         8  63,750.37    7,968.80               23
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  3
## 3                 64
## 4                 98
## 5                 31


## $Plants
## $Plants$Plants
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 490.95
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 11.17
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 3,842.31
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 733.96
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 0.18
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 23.04
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.76
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 4,225.72
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 17,235.94
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Plants$Liliopsida
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1980, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1980, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 7.03
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 1.99
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 10.19
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 20.65
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 1.12
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 12.43
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.15
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 8.97
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 151.83
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Plants$Magnoliopsida
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2014]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 49.93
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 1.80
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 410.64
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 818.27
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 0.00
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 5.49
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.42
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 434.64
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 1,692.73
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Plants$Pinopsida
## [1] NA
## $Plants$Ulvophyceae
## [1] NA
## $Invertebrates
## $Invertebrates$Invertebrates
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 33,359.41
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 45,830.14
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 23,757.67
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 59,444.79
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 11,513.99
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 32,008.33
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 6,490.45
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 17,970.46
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 132,228.77
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Invertebrates$Insecta
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 29,991.52
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 54,582.91
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 25,240.60
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 66,994.30
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 42,149.22
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 27,967.40
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 6,875.69
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 15,592.20
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 131,052.80
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Invertebrates$Bivalvia
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1988, 2011]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1988, 2011]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 10.26
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.09
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 65.30
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 7.40
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 0.38
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 15.10
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 2.57
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 43.75
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 183.46
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Invertebrates$Gastropoda
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1980, 2011]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1980, 2011]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 0.07
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 13.66
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 147.40
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.00
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 5.01
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 16.59
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.00
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 0.00
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 2,634.76
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Invertebrates$Secernentea
## [1] NA
## $Vertebrates
## $Vertebrates$Vertebrates
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 2,382.20
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 17,141.00
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 1,355.28
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 13,390.80
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 5,794.58
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 2,795.74
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 401.65
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 1,009.62
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 595,338.42
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Vertebrates$Amphibia
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1986, 2011]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1986, 2011]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 0.65
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.03
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 1.68
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.41
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 0.07
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 1.80
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.70
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 1.30
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 8.15
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Vertebrates$Reptilia
## [1] NA
## $Vertebrates$Aves
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1978, 2015]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1978, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 3.75
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.59
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 0.37
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 0.07
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 6.37
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 5.53
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 0.11
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 2.44
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 7,914.02
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Vertebrates$Mammalia
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1970, 2017]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1970, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 1,518.98
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 14,629.40
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 931.09
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 11,088.94
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 9,793.10
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 2,220.76
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 348.37
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 190.68
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 306,590.62
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)
## $Mixed
## $Mixed$Mixed
## Estimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time
## - Temporal interval of data: [1987, 2014]
## - Temporal interval used for model calibration: [1987, 2014]
## - Cost transformation: log10
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in 2017:
##    o Linear regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 2,551.72
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 17.19
##    o Robust regression: 
##      . Linear: US$ million 3,367.12
##      . Quadratic: US$ million 20.92
##    o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ million 805.63
##    o Generalized Additive Model: US$ million 216.21
##    o Quantile regression: 
##      . Quantile 0.1: US$ million 12.75
##      . Quantile 0.5: US$ million 2,527.62
##      . Quantile 0.9: US$ million 35,402,556.79
## You can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)

Appendix Taxo.3: Linear model summary for each taxon


"Plants --------------------------------"
## [1] "Plants --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -3.97827 -0.41335  0.00961  0.28378  1.38496 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -1.670e+02  1.168e+01  -14.30   <2e-16 ***
## Year         8.459e-02  5.878e-03   14.39   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.4949 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8338, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8299 
## Convergence in 9 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  3 observations c(42,44,45) are outliers with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0022); 
##  4 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 38 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.4138  0.8900  0.9591  0.9170  0.9888  0.9989 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Liliopsida --------------------------------"
## [1] "Liliopsida --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -1.668199 -0.022225 -0.005185  0.052346  2.138822 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -2.648921   6.712568  -0.395    0.696
## Year         0.001813   0.003377   0.537    0.595
## Robust residual standard error: 0.05897 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.07383,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.04576 
## Convergence in 21 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  10 observations c(10,14,24,26,30,31,32,33,34,35)
##   are outliers with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0029); 
##  4 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 21 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.5822  0.9271  0.9495  0.9172  0.9916  0.9987 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.857e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Magnoliopsida --------------------------------"
## [1] "Magnoliopsida --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -4.43535 -0.37124  0.02545  0.27098  2.09029 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -1.425e+02  1.006e+01  -14.16   <2e-16 ***
## Year         7.193e-02  5.054e-03   14.23   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.4712 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8083, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8038 
## Convergence in 8 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  3 observations c(42,44,45) are outliers with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0022); 
##  5 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 37 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.01068 0.90850 0.95480 0.88250 0.98820 0.99750 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)


"Invertebrates --------------------------------"
## [1] "Invertebrates --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -0.506716 -0.175411  0.001158  0.264475  1.189871 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -82.81547   11.80075  -7.018 1.21e-08 ***
## Year          0.04323    0.00596   7.253 5.55e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.2354 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8018, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7972 
## Convergence in 20 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  observation 32 is an outlier with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0022); 
##  6 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 38 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.05022 0.82770 0.93150 0.81940 0.97500 0.99820 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Insecta --------------------------------"
## [1] "Insecta --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##        Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max 
## -0.8425001 -0.2201341 -0.0006057  0.2209433  0.9976475 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -85.722033  10.396421  -8.245 2.14e-10 ***
## Year          0.044682   0.005247   8.516 8.92e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.2968 
## Multiple R-squared:   0.74,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.7339 
## Convergence in 16 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  3 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 42 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.2355  0.8264  0.9436  0.8511  0.9862  0.9980 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)


"Vertebrates --------------------------------"
## [1] "Vertebrates --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.4417 -0.6745  0.0880  0.5764  2.5767 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -108.55548   26.92426  -4.032 0.000222 ***
## Year           0.05537    0.01355   4.088 0.000187 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.7975 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3926, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3784 
## Convergence in 12 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  one weight is ~= 1. The remaining 44 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.2750  0.8406  0.9417  0.8745  0.9762  0.9989 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Amphibia --------------------------------"
## [1] "Amphibia --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -2.440980 -0.119922  0.001734  0.121201  0.600395 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -10.818783  12.128027  -0.892    0.381
## Year          0.005475   0.006082   0.900    0.377
## Robust residual standard error: 0.157 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.06106,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.02194 
## Convergence in 17 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  observation 26 is an outlier with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0038); 
##  4 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 21 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.1115  0.9280  0.9446  0.8765  0.9949  0.9988 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         3.846e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.658e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Aves --------------------------------"
## [1] "Aves --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.59541 -0.03606  0.08311  0.61295  3.33148 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept) 87.38702   26.91996   3.246  0.00343 **
## Year        -0.04354    0.01348  -3.229  0.00358 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.4908 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5133, Adjusted R-squared:  0.493 
## Convergence in 11 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  5 observations c(12,13,17,21,23) are outliers with |weight| = 0 ( < 0.0038); 
##  5 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 16 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.8434  0.8797  0.9436  0.9345  0.9944  0.9986 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         3.846e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)
"Mammalia --------------------------------"
## [1] "Mammalia --------------------------------"
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.42841 -0.67240  0.07446  0.61802  2.69244 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -103.07196   25.71508  -4.008 0.000239 ***
## Year           0.05257    0.01294   4.064 0.000201 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.904 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3299, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3143 
## Convergence in 11 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  2 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 43 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.3550  0.8830  0.9502  0.8886  0.9696  0.9975 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0)

Appendix Taxo.3: individual plots for each taxon


plots <- map(names(obs.impact[["Plants"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
      plot(preds[[x]], graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),
                                                                 paste0("All ", x), x)),

if(any(sapply(plots, is.null)))
  if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

plots <- map(names(pred.impact[["Plants"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
        plot(preds[[x]],  models = "robust.linear",
             graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),                                                                  paste0("All ", x), x))

if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) 
  plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] 

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")


plots <- map(names(obs.impact[["Invertebrates"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
      plot(preds[[x]], graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),                                                                  paste0("All ", x), x)),
if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

# Removing Gastropods & Bivalves
pred.impact[["Invertebrates"]]$Gastropoda <- NA
pred.impact[["Invertebrates"]]$Bivalvia <- NA

plots <- map(names(pred.impact[["Invertebrates"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
             models = "robust.linear",
             graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),                                                                  paste0("All ", x), x))
if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}


plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")


plots <- map(names(obs.impact[["Vertebrates"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
           graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),                                                                  paste0("All ", x), x)),
if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

plots <- map(names(pred.impact[["Vertebrates"]]),
    function(x, preds) 
              models = "robust.linear",
             graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) + ggtitle(ifelse(x %in% c("Plants", "Invertebrates", "Vertebrates"),                                                                  paste0("All ", x), x))
if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

Appendix to figure C

Appendix Region.1: Number and percentage of estimates per region

Number of estimates per region:

x freq
Africa 537
Africa/Asia/Europe 1
Asia 420
Central America 164
Central America/North America 43
Central America/North America/South America 22
Central America/Oceania-Pacific islands 1
Central America/South America 5
Diverse/Unspecified 9
Europe 339
Europe/ Asia 1
Europe/North America 13
North America 947
Oceania 791
Oceania/Pacific Islands 96
South America 217
single.region <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% names(Regions)), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017) <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  !(db.over.time$Geographic_region %in% names(Regions))), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017)

There were 1228 economic estimates that could be attributed to a single region, i.e. 93.1% of our filtered database However, these single region estimates accounted in total for US$ billion 959, i.e. 74.44 % of the global cumulated cost of invasive species. Multi-region estimates accounted for US$ billion 329, i.e. 25.56 % of the global cumulated cost.

Appendix Region.2: Observed and estimated costs for each region

The lack of data for multiple regions prevent a reasonable comparison of linear regression estimates for 2017 between regions.

## $Africa
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 130 (number of individual year values: 537)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 10,190.34
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 212.30
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       6.37        0.64                2
## 2         1980       1989        10      26.44        2.64                4
## 3         1990       1999        10   2,983.57      298.36               36
## 4         2000       2009        10   3,696.01      369.60               76
## 5         2010       2017         8   3,477.94      434.74               46
##   number_year_values
## 1                 11
## 2                 25
## 3                142
## 4                296
## 5                 63
## $Asia
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 105 (number of individual year values: 420)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 269,192.52
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 5,608.18
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10      17.55        1.76                1
## 2         1980       1989        10   1,621.17      162.12                8
## 3         1990       1999        10     573.59       57.36               11
## 4         2000       2009        10 208,620.19   20,862.02               68
## 5         2010       2017         8  58,360.01    7,295.00               44
##   number_year_values
## 1                  1
## 2                 24
## 3                 40
## 4                297
## 5                 58
## $Europe
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 151 (number of individual year values: 339)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 28,798.74
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 599.97
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10     192.49       19.25                3
## 2         1980       1989        10       6.24        0.62                2
## 3         1990       1999        10     240.63       24.06               12
## 4         2000       2009        10  10,640.30    1,064.03              101
## 5         2010       2017         8  17,719.08    2,214.88               52
##   number_year_values
## 1                 12
## 2                 10
## 3                 56
## 4                189
## 5                 72
## $`Central America`
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 47 (number of individual year values: 164)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 5,758.67
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 119.97
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10      43.63        4.36                3
## 2         1980       1989        10     277.67       27.77                3
## 3         1990       1999        10     127.06       12.71               11
## 4         2000       2009        10   4,668.73      466.87               26
## 5         2010       2017         8     641.58       80.20               10
##   number_year_values
## 1                  3
## 2                  3
## 3                 14
## 4                133
## 5                 11
## $`North America`
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 310 (number of individual year values: 947)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 528,738.48
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 11,015.38
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10   6,395.07      639.51               13
## 2         1980       1989        10   9,101.97      910.20               30
## 3         1990       1999        10  30,726.16    3,072.62               91
## 4         2000       2009        10 480,928.95   48,092.90              163
## 5         2010       2017         8   1,586.32      198.29               73
##   number_year_values
## 1                 49
## 2                125
## 3                292
## 4                380
## 5                101
## $Oceania
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 410 (number of individual year values: 758)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 31,284.89
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 651.77
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10      12.50        1.25                2
## 2         1980       1989        10     105.32       10.53               35
## 3         1990       1999        10     918.29       91.83               73
## 4         2000       2009        10  14,189.14    1,418.91              278
## 5         2010       2017         8  16,059.65    2,007.46               55
##   number_year_values
## 1                  3
## 2                 58
## 3                171
## 4                445
## 5                 81
## $`South America`
## Average annual cost of invasive species over time periods
## - Temporal interval of data : [1970, 2017]
## - Values transformed in US$ million: Yes
## - Number of cost estimates: 68 (number of individual year values: 217)
## - Cost values in US$ millions:
##     o Total cost over the entire period 84,940.84
##     o Average annual cost over the entire period 1,769.60
##     o Average annual cost over each period
##   initial_year final_year time_span total_cost annual_cost number_estimates
## 1         1970       1979        10       <NA>        <NA>                0
## 2         1980       1989        10       3.27        0.33                1
## 3         1990       1999        10     117.38       11.74               11
## 4         2000       2009        10  79,914.54    7,991.45               32
## 5         2010       2017         8   4,905.66      613.21               29
##   number_year_values
## 1                  0
## 2                  6
## 3                 17
## 4                148
## 5                 46
plots <- map(names(obs.regions),
    function(x, preds) 
        plot(preds[[x]], graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle(x)
if(any(sapply(plots, is.null))) {   plots <- plots[-which(sapply(plots, is.null))] }

plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)] <- lapply(plots[1:(length(plots) - 1)],
                                       {x + theme(legend.position='none')}

plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

Appendix Region.3: Maps of cumulated costs for all regions

         projection="+proj=eck4") +
              palette = "OrRd",
              title = "Cost in US$ millions",
              style="pretty") +
  tm_layout(title = "Average annual cost from 2000 to 2009",
            title.size = .9,
   = "white",
            title.position=c("center", "top"),
            inner.margins=c(.04, .01, .1, .01),
            earth.boundary=c(-180, 180, -70, 90),
            frame = FALSE)

Appendix to figure D

Appendix costtype.1: Number and percentage of estimates per category of cost

Number of estimates per region:

invacost[$Type_of_cost_merged), ]
Cost_ID Repository Reference_ID Reference_title Authors Publication_year Type_of_material Previous_materials Availability Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common_name Environment Geographic_region Official_country State.Province Location Spatial_scale Period_of_estimation Time_range Probable_starting_year Probable_ending_year Occurrence Raw_cost_estimate_local_currency Min_Raw_cost_estimate_local_currency Max_Raw_cost_estimate_local_currency Raw_cost_estimate_2017_USD_exchange_rate Raw_cost_estimate_2017_USD_PPP Cost_estimate_per_year_local_currency Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_PPP Currency Applicable_year Type_of_applicable_year Implementation Acquisition_method Impacted_sector Type_of_cost Method_reliability Details Benefit_value.s. Contributors Island verbatimHabitat Habitat protectedArea Abstract Language Probable_starting_year_adjusted Probable_ending_year_adjusted Type_of_cost_merged
915 915 TC 561 The Economic cost of invasive and non-native species in Ireland and Northern Ireland Kelly et al 2013 Official report Marbuah, G., Gren, I. M., & McKie, B. (2014). Economics of Harmful Invasive Species: A Review. Diversity, 6(3), 500–523. Yes Animalia/Plantae Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse (animals/plants) Aquatic/Terrestrial Europe Ireland NA NA Country 2012 Year 2012 NA Potentially ongoing 202894406 NA NA 278319891.4 204829893.2 202894406 2.783199e+08 2.048299e+08 EUR 2012 Effective Observed Report/Estimation NA NA High /! there are a lot of details in this paper, here I only report the general sum (including plants) no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 2012 2012 NA
916 916 TC 561 The Economic cost of invasive and non-native species in Ireland and Northern Ireland Kelly et al 2013 Official report Marbuah, G., Gren, I. M., & McKie, B. (2014). Economics of Harmful Invasive Species: A Review. Diversity, 6(3), 500–523. Yes Animalia/Plantae Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse (animals/plants) Aquatic/Terrestrial Europe Northern Ireland NA NA Country 2012 Year 2012 NA Potentially ongoing 58623034 NA NA 80415999.51 56469149.35 58623034 8.041600e+07 5.646915e+07 EUR 2012 Effective Observed Report/Estimation NA NA High /! there are a lot of details in this paper, here I only report the general sum (including plants) no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 2012 2012 NA
927 927 TC 381 Invasive Species : The Search for Solutions Dybas 2004 Peer-reviewed article none Yes Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Invasive species Aquatic/Terrestrial North America USA NA NA Country 2004 Year 2004 NA Potentially ongoing 1.37E+11 NA NA 1.77789E+11 1.77789E+11 137000000000 1.777890e+11 1.777890e+11 USD 2004 Publication year Observed Report/Estimation NA NA High /!reference !! from Pimentel ? no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 2004 2004 NA
1076 1076 Go 90 The Actual and Potential Economic Impact of Invasive Species on the Adirondack Park : A Preliminary Assessment Yellow Wood Associates Inc. 2014 Official report none Yes Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified NA Aquatic/Terrestrial North America USA NA New York (Adirondacks) Site 2013 Year 2013 NA Potentially ongoing 708000 NA NA 744964.1046 744964.1046 708000 7.449641e+05 7.449641e+05 USD 2013 Effective Observed Report/Estimation NA NA High “In addition to these monetary investments, survey respondents reported coordinating more than 12,000 volunteer hours in 2013 at an approximate value of $708,000”. Defined based on accounts from individual respondents + The value of volunteer hours is calculated by multiplying the number of volunteer hours reported by survey respondents by $28.73 — the value of one hour of volunteer time in New York State. Source: “Economic Impact: 36 Adirondack Nonprofits.” 2013. Accessed 06/09/14 no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 2013 2013 NA
1241 1243 TC 54 Technical support to EU strategy on invasive alien species (IAS) - Assessment of the impacts of IAS in Europe and the EU Kettunen et al 2009 Official report none Yes Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Culicidae Aedes Aedes albopictus Asian tiger mosquito Terrestrial Europe Diverse/Unspecified NA NA Continental NA Year NA NA Potentially ongoing 1340000 NA NA 2126878.112 NA 1340000 2.126878e+06 NA EUR 2009 Publication year Observed Report/Estimation NA NA High [Unknown] The reference is replaced by references on the Asian longhorned beetle in Kettunen et al. 2009 no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 2009 2009 NA
1269 1271 TC 339 Future Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural R&D in the Semi-Arid Tropics Ryan and Spencer 2001 Official report none Yes Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Noctuidae Helicoverpa Helicoverpa armigera Cotton bollworm Terrestrial Diverse/Unspecified Diverse/Unspecified NA NA Global 1992 Year 1992 NA Potentially ongoing 317000000 NA NA 438834193.8 NA 317000000 4.388342e+08 NA USD 2001 Publication year Observed Report/Estimation Agriculture NA High Cited refs (Shanower et al. 1999, Abate et al. 2000) not retrieved. ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) contacted, no answer no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 1992 1992 NA
1620 1622 Go 46 Economic Impacts of Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region PNWER Invasive Species Working Group 2012 Official report none Yes Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthonomus Anthonomus grandis Boll weevil Terrestrial North America USA NA NA Country Since 1890s (Until 2012 = publication year) Period 1890 NA Potentially ongoing 406504065 NA NA 433992801.3 433992801.3 3304911 3.528397e+06 3.528397e+06 USD 2012 Publication year Observed Report/Estimation Agriculture NA High Costs to U.S. cotton industry since 1890s. No specifications on the type of cost. No reference no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 1890 2012 NA
1622 1624 Go 46 Economic Impacts of Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region PNWER Invasive Species Working Group 2012 Official report none Yes Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Erebidae Lymantria Lymantria dispar Gypsy moths Terrestrial North America USA NA Eastern U.S. forests Site 1981 Year 1981 NA Potentially ongoing 764000000 NA NA 815663430.4 815663430.4 764000000 8.156634e+08 8.156634e+08 USD 2012 Publication year Observed Report/Estimation Forestry NA High Costs to Eastern U.S. forests in 1981. No specifications on the type of cost. No reference no C.D, C.A., L.N. NA NA NA NA NA EN 1981 1981 NA
x freq
Damage_costs 1109
Management_costs 2332
Mixed_costs 115
NA 50
single.type <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  db.over.time$Type_of_cost_merged %in% paste0(names(costtype), "_costs")), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017)

multi.type <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time[which(
  !(db.over.time$Type_of_cost_merged %in% paste0(names(costtype), "_costs"))), ],
                     minimum.year = 1970,
  maximum.year = 2017)

There were 1282 economic estimates that could be attributed to a single cost type, i.e. 97.19% of our filtered database However, these single category estimates accounted in total for US$ billion 958, i.e. 74.39 % of the global cumulated cost of invasive species. Estimates based on both damage and management costs accounted for US$ billion 330, i.e. 25.61 % of the global cumulated cost.

Appendix costtype.2: Observed and estimated costs for each cost type

p1 <- plot(obs.costtype$Damage, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle("Damage")
p2 <- plot(obs.costtype$Management, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle("Management")
plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 1, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

p1 <- plot(pred.costtype.25$Damage, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle("Damage")
p2 <- plot(pred.costtype.25$Management, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18)) + ggtitle("Management")

pleg <- cowplot::get_legend(p1)
p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position='none')
p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position='none')

plot_grid(p1, p2, pleg, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

Model summaries

"________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
## [1] "________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of model fits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ______________________________     Ordinary Least Square regression models  _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## R squared:  0.6756504  - Adjusted R squared:  0.6756504                 Estimate  Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -149.83731071 22.10040128 -6.779846 2.683344e-08
## Year           0.07673108  0.01113779  6.889255 1.861863e-08
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 43
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -47.18365 (df=3)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## R squared:  0.712572  - Adjusted R squared:  0.712572                 Estimate   Std. Error   t value   Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -6.281433e+03 2.736211e+03 -2.295668 0.02675462
## Year         6.233213e+00 2.746192e+00  2.269766 0.02841689
## I(Year^2)   -1.545302e-03 6.890137e-04 -2.242774 0.03024662
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 42
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -44.46453 (df=4)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________           Robust regression models           _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.71297 -0.23587  0.01655  0.35356  1.77031 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -1.513e+02  1.548e+01  -9.776 1.71e-12 ***
## Year         7.742e-02  7.813e-03   9.908 1.14e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.4449 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.799,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.7943 
## Convergence in 19 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  7 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 38 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.07769 0.74800 0.92020 0.79390 0.98840 0.99840 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year + I(Year^2), data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights, cov = ".vcov.w")
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.40449 -0.24684 -0.03941  0.40101  1.67601 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -3.561e+03  2.452e+03  -1.452    0.154
## Year         3.503e+00  2.463e+00   1.422    0.162
## I(Year^2)   -8.602e-04  6.182e-04  -1.392    0.171
## Robust residual standard error: 0.4529 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7845, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7742 
## Convergence in 20 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  5 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 40 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.1414  0.7543  0.9398  0.8194  0.9852  0.9988 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         7.378e-06         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"             ".vcov.w" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________          Generalized Additive Models          _______________________________
## Family: gaulss 
## Link function: identity logb 
## Formula:
## transf.cost ~ s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000035052510>
## ~s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000035052510>
## Parametric coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    2.85560    0.07429  38.437  < 2e-16 ***
## (Intercept).1 -1.66065    0.31477  -5.276 1.32e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##             edf Ref.df  Chi.sq p-value    
## s(Year)   4.628  5.199 2815.94  <2e-16 ***
## s.1(Year) 7.290  8.058   59.07  <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Deviance explained =  100%
## -REML = 35.891  Scale est. = 1         n = 45
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________     Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines      _______________________________
## Call: earth(formula=transf.cost~Year, data=yearly.cost.calibration,
##             weights=incomplete.year.weights, pmethod="backward",
##             nprune=mars.nprune, nfold=5, ncross=30, varmod.method="lm")
##              coefficients
## (Intercept)    4.22250745
## h(2004-Year)  -0.09162633
## Selected 2 of 7 terms, and 1 of 1 predictors
## Termination condition: RSq changed by less than 0.001 at 7 terms
## Importance: Year
## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 1 (additive model)
## GCV 0.4412562  RSS 17.29724  GRSq 0.712974  RSq 0.7384742  CVRSq 0.5901739
## Note: the cross-validation sd's below are standard deviations across folds
## Cross validation:   nterms 2.34 sd 0.72    nvars 1.00 sd 0.00
##      CVRSq    sd     MaxErr   sd
##       0.59 0.322      -1.73 1.26
## varmod: method "lm" 0.0643    iter.rsq 0.255
## stddev of predictions:
##             coefficients iter.stderr iter.stderr%
## (Intercept)  -0.04730925    0.133685          283
## transf.cost   0.22918869   0.0597492           26
##                               mean   smallest    largest      ratio
## 95% prediction interval   2.519646   0.809274   3.608065   4.458397
##                                          68%    80%    90%    95% 
## response values in prediction interval   73     82     93     96  
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________            Quantile regressions               _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       0.1 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.1, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000035052510>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -115.5050298 -134.91245755 -89.89413149
## Year           0.0590978    0.04626538   0.06892761
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  3.545868e-01  2.954890e-01  2.591971e-01  1.772934e-01  1.181956e-01 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
##  5.909780e-02  5.329071e-15  4.278275e-01 -2.132964e-02  1.352480e+00 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  6.330803e-01  1.893290e+00  5.718542e-01  5.279675e-01  4.536586e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
##  3.945608e-01  5.792805e-01  4.993907e-01  6.400636e-01  6.564130e-01 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
##  7.459335e-01  5.315078e-01  1.037385e+00  4.590570e-01  1.687707e+00 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  1.319079e+00 -3.865689e-02 -5.773160e-15  8.617145e-01  2.582371e+00 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  2.479201e+00  2.382560e+00  1.353244e+00  9.018915e-01  2.349320e+00 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  1.651996e+00  7.204197e-01  1.024658e+00  2.385391e-01  3.897013e-01 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
##  4.133517e-01  1.543682e+00  1.218814e+00  5.946491e-01 -6.261149e-01 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.5 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.5, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000035052510>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##              coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -156.01607921 -174.67543767 -138.2589696
## Year           0.07979322    0.07082382    0.0892516
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  9.565977e-02  1.586655e-02 -4.112083e-02 -1.437199e-01 -2.235131e-01 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
## -3.033063e-01 -3.830996e-01  2.403250e-02 -4.458200e-01  9.072942e-01 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  1.671990e-01  1.406713e+00  6.458215e-02  3.108624e-15 -9.500429e-02 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
## -1.747975e-01 -1.077327e-02 -1.113585e-01  8.619006e-03  4.273027e-03 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
##  7.309809e-02 -1.620231e-01  3.231586e-01 -2.758647e-01  9.320900e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  5.427660e-01 -8.356648e-01 -8.177034e-01  2.331572e-02  1.723277e+00 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.599412e+00  1.482075e+00  4.320631e-01 -3.998439e-02  1.386749e+00 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  6.687290e-01 -2.835425e-01 -1.065814e-14 -8.068139e-01 -6.763471e-01 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -6.733921e-01  4.362431e-01  9.067902e-02 -5.541810e-01 -1.795640e+00 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.5
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.9 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.9, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000035052510>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients     lower bd    upper bd
## (Intercept) -206.8129353 -260.0281937 -84.0504546
## Year           0.1059196    0.0452133   0.1326794
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
## -5.764968e-01 -6.824164e-01 -7.655302e-01 -8.942557e-01 -1.000175e+00 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
## -1.106095e+00 -1.212015e+00 -8.310089e-01 -1.326988e+00  4.884981e-14 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
## -7.662216e-01  4.471664e-01 -9.210912e-01 -1.011800e+00 -1.132930e+00 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
## -1.238850e+00 -1.100952e+00 -1.227664e+00 -1.133813e+00 -1.164285e+00 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
## -1.121587e+00 -1.382834e+00 -9.237789e-01 -1.548929e+00 -3.671002e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
## -7.825506e-01 -2.187108e+00 -2.195273e+00 -1.380380e+00  2.934547e-01 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.434631e-01  4.973799e-14 -1.076138e+00 -1.574312e+00 -1.737057e-01 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
## -9.178516e-01 -1.896250e+00 -1.638833e+00 -2.471774e+00 -2.367433e+00 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -2.390605e+00 -1.307096e+00 -1.678786e+00 -2.349773e+00 -3.617359e+00 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.9
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"______________________________ Management ______________________________"
## [1] "______________________________ Management ______________________________"
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of model fits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ______________________________     Ordinary Least Square regression models  _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## R squared:  0.3069115  - Adjusted R squared:  0.3069115                Estimate  Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -41.86991092 12.38904116 -3.379593 0.0015532259
## Year          0.02239534  0.00623703  3.590705 0.0008408074
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 43
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -26.60838 (df=3)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## R squared:  0.3276923  - Adjusted R squared:  0.3276923                 Estimate   Std. Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -2.033943e+03 2.263221e+03 -0.8986936 0.3739394
## Year         2.022553e+00 2.275155e+00  0.8889740 0.3790805
## I(Year^2)   -5.020477e-04 5.717734e-04 -0.8780536 0.3849102
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coeftest"
## attr(,"method")
## [1] "t test of coefficients"
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 42
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 45
## attr(,"logLik")
## 'log Lik.' -25.92345 (df=4)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________           Robust regression models           _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       Linear regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.22183 -0.17972 -0.09111  0.28722  1.17495 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept) -45.465164  15.142476  -3.002  0.00445 **
## Year          0.024181   0.007625   3.171  0.00280 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.3083 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.4335, Adjusted R-squared:  0.4203 
## Convergence in 23 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  3 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 42 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0810  0.8575  0.9582  0.8410  0.9803  0.9954 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         3.663e-09         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"         ".vcov.avar1" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       Quadratic regression
## Call:
## robustbase::lmrob(formula = transf.cost ~ Year + I(Year^2), data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights, cov = ".vcov.w")
##  \--> method = "MM"
## Residuals:
##        Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max 
## -0.8042717 -0.2154520 -0.0004554  0.3062549  1.3413288 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept) -3.385e+03  1.569e+03  -2.157   0.0368 *
## Year         3.382e+00  1.576e+00   2.146   0.0377 *
## I(Year^2)   -8.440e-04  3.957e-04  -2.133   0.0388 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Robust residual standard error: 0.3184 
## Multiple R-squared:  0.4144, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3865 
## Convergence in 27 IRWLS iterations
## Robustness weights: 
##  2 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 43 ones are summarized as
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.03662 0.89850 0.93780 0.85570 0.98950 0.99890 
## Algorithmic parameters: 
##        tuning.chi                bb        tuning.psi        refine.tol 
##         1.548e+00         5.000e-01         4.685e+00         1.000e-07 
##           rel.tol         scale.tol         solve.tol       eps.outlier 
##         1.000e-07         1.000e-10         1.000e-07         2.222e-03 
##             eps.x warn.limit.reject warn.limit.meanrw 
##         7.378e-06         5.000e-01         5.000e-01 
##      nResample       best.r.s          k.max 
##            500             50              2              1            200 
##    maxit.scale      trace.lev            mts     compute.rd fast.s.large.n 
##            200              0           1000              0           2000 
##                   psi           subsampling                   cov 
##            "bisquare"         "nonsingular"             ".vcov.w" 
## compute.outlier.stats 
##                  "SM" 
## seed : int(0) 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________          Generalized Additive Models          _______________________________
## Family: gaulss 
## Link function: identity logb 
## Formula:
## transf.cost ~ s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000033bfd140>
## ~s(Year, k = gam.k)
## <environment: 0x0000000033bfd140>
## Parametric coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    2.74465    0.05539   49.55   <2e-16 ***
## (Intercept).1 -1.21813    0.11596  -10.51   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
##             edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value    
## s(Year)   4.772  5.752  54.96 < 2e-16 ***
## s.1(Year) 2.628  3.211  14.90 0.00248 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Deviance explained = 60.1%
## -REML = 26.933  Scale est. = 1         n = 45
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________     Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines      _______________________________
## Call: earth(formula=transf.cost~Year, data=yearly.cost.calibration,
##             weights=incomplete.year.weights, pmethod="backward",
##             nprune=mars.nprune, nfold=5, ncross=30, varmod.method="lm")
##              coefficients
## (Intercept)    2.44011883
## h(Year-1989)   0.06339453
## h(Year-2004)  -0.12793838
## Selected 3 of 6 terms, and 1 of 1 predictors
## Termination condition: RSq changed by less than 0.001 at 6 terms
## Importance: Year
## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 2 (additive model)
## GCV 0.2141771  RSS 7.615185  GRSq 0.2571143  RSq 0.3860449  CVRSq -0.07600937
## Note: the cross-validation sd's below are standard deviations across folds
## Cross validation:   nterms 2.65 sd 0.52    nvars 1.00 sd 0.00
##      CVRSq    sd     MaxErr   sd
##     -0.076 0.689       2.17 1.02
## varmod: method "lm" 0.0471    iter.rsq 0.077
## stddev of predictions:
##             coefficients iter.stderr iter.stderr%
## (Intercept)   -0.4942044    0.487398           99
## transf.cost    0.3522279     0.18574           53
##                               mean   smallest    largest      ratio
## 95% prediction interval   1.848102   1.431846   2.744785   1.916956
##                                          68%    80%    90%    95% 
## response values in prediction interval   71     93     96     96  
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ______________________________            Quantile regressions               _______________________________
## >>>>>>>>       0.1 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.1, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000033bfd140>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -26.45240297 -31.438273755 -15.99774158
## Year          0.01446266   0.009163603   0.01696573
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  8.272480e-01  2.070768e-02  6.245018e-03 -8.217645e-03 -2.268031e-02 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
##  4.229089e-02  2.961687e-02  1.087368e-01 -7.105427e-15  1.094145e+00 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  3.722119e-01  6.230207e-01  3.445156e-01  3.343320e-01  1.495442e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
##  2.836583e-01  1.174490e-01  2.273977e-01  9.647195e-02  1.168717e-01 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
##  1.926413e-01  1.561823e-01  1.537637e-01  8.394847e-01  7.859189e-02 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  3.433523e-01  6.717108e-01  7.900643e-01  7.444635e-01  7.512429e-01 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  1.369307e+00  7.244661e-01  5.724714e-01  7.070359e-01  4.459824e-01 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  1.646898e+00  3.844214e-01  1.106602e-01  8.467218e-02 -4.440892e-15 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
##  3.497003e-01 -1.919879e-01  7.561563e-01  1.514574e+00 -6.624120e-01 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.5 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.5, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000033bfd140>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients     lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -51.89331847 -65.19504863 -34.84728592
## Year          0.02738079   0.01887511   0.03411257
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
##  8.194585e-01 -5.329071e-15 -2.738079e-02 -5.476157e-02 -8.214236e-02 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
## -3.008929e-02 -5.568144e-02  1.052041e-02 -1.111346e-01  9.700928e-01 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
##  2.352411e-01  4.731318e-01  1.817085e-01  1.586068e-01 -3.909908e-02 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
##  8.209686e-02 -9.703053e-02 -2.220446e-15 -1.438438e-01 -1.363622e-01 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
## -7.351075e-02 -1.228878e-01 -1.382246e-01  5.345783e-01 -2.392327e-01 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
##  1.260967e-02  3.280500e-01  4.334854e-01  3.749665e-01  3.688277e-01 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  9.739739e-01  3.162147e-01  1.513019e-01  2.729483e-01 -1.023356e-03 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  1.186974e+00 -8.842065e-02 -3.751000e-01 -4.140061e-01 -5.115964e-01 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -1.748142e-01 -7.294205e-01  2.058055e-01  9.513054e-01 -1.238599e+00 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.5
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>>>>>>>       0.9 quantile 
## $call
## quantreg::rq(formula = transf.cost ~ Year, tau = 0.9, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
##     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
## $terms
## transf.cost ~ Year
## attr(,"variables")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"factors")
##             Year
## transf.cost    0
## Year           1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "Year"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: 0x0000000033bfd140>
## attr(,"predvars")
## list(transf.cost, Year)
## attr(,"dataClasses")
## transf.cost        Year 
##   "numeric"   "numeric" 
## $coefficients
##             coefficients      lower bd     upper bd
## (Intercept) -57.11428758 -1.180635e+02 -13.23632039
## Year          0.03044699  8.324736e-03   0.06100015
## $residuals
##             1             2             3             4             5 
## -7.993606e-15 -8.225247e-01 -8.529717e-01 -8.834187e-01 -9.138657e-01 
##             6             7             8             9            10 
## -8.648788e-01 -8.935372e-01 -8.304015e-01 -9.551227e-01  1.230384e-01 
##            11            12            13            14            15 
## -6.148794e-01 -3.800550e-01 -6.745444e-01 -7.007124e-01 -9.014845e-01 
##            16            17            18            19            20 
## -7.833547e-01 -9.655483e-01 -8.715840e-01 -1.018494e+00 -1.014079e+00 
##            21            22            23            24            25 
## -9.542934e-01 -1.006737e+00 -1.025140e+00 -3.554029e-01 -1.132280e+00 
##            26            27            28            29            30 
## -8.835040e-01 -5.711298e-01 -4.687607e-01 -5.303458e-01 -5.395508e-01 
##            31            32            33            34            35 
##  6.252918e-02 -5.982962e-01 -7.662752e-01 -6.476950e-01 -9.247329e-01 
##            36            37            38            39            40 
##  2.601986e-01 -1.018263e+00 -1.308008e+00 -1.349980e+00 -1.450637e+00 
##            41            42            43            44            45 
## -1.116921e+00 -1.674593e+00 -7.424336e-01 -4.440892e-15 -2.192971e+00 
## $rdf
## [1] 43
## $tau
## [1] 0.9
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "summary.rq"
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary of model summaries

"________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
## [1] "________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
summary.damage <- prettySummary(pred.costtype.25$Damage)
# adjust file path
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ordinary Least Square regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -149.837310710193 22.1004012779335 -6.77984570623161 2.68334391659469e-08
Year 0.0767310815387082 0.0111377909767825 6.88925494280327 1.86186336818208e-08
Adjusted R²
0.668107353641688 0.675650368331649
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Ordinary Least Square regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -6281.43290852757 2736.21141585214 -2.29566797073366 0.0267546188413239
Year 6.23321324892053 2.74619189797767 2.26976609082226 0.0284168884325929
Adjusted R²
0.698884964819263 0.712572011872933
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -151.314155155946 15.4788032649375 -9.77557195902232 1.71140342425717e-12
Year 0.0774175574641614 0.00781326942360505 9.90847150749357 1.14029639579754e-12
Adjusted R²
0.794343404174341 0.799017417715833
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0.0776888550407571 0.769744516452497 0.97298572329036 0.997494846222581 0.999993965602862
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -3560.88783985051 2452.29676382075 -1.45206236552812 0.153914165073996
Year 3.50273954229397 2.46255393148877 1.42240114927203 0.162294674525059
Adjusted R²
0.774240389257175 0.784502189745485
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0.141391661701479 0.78928760317949 0.964283590543045 0.993084946806837 0.999970205263011
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
(Intercept) 4.22250744506421
h(2004-Year) -0.0916263325323822
Generalized R² Generalized Cross-Validation Root Sum of Squares
0.712973973132936 0.738474219321539 0.441256217256249 17.2972437164449
Variance model
Estimate Standard error (last iteration) Standard error/coefficient %
Intercept -0.0473092502386516 0.133685470586444 282.577867778641
Intercept 0.229188694668325 0.0597492101934328 26.0698767362413
R² for last iteration
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Generalized Additive Models
Parametric coefficients
Estimate Standard error z value p-value
Intercept (mean) 2.85559708691651 0.0742923420982404 38.4373006189577 0
Intercept (sd) -1.66064999943417 0.314773507683936 -5.27569810958052 1.32251651108549e-07
Smooth terms
Estimated degree of freedom Residual degree of freedom Chi² p-value
smooth (mean) 4.62753439068499 5.19886066584045 2815.94314093181 0
smooth (sd) 7.29008628336001 8.05750830846531 59.0660301399824 0
Explained deviance (%)
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Quantile regression
Coefficients quantile 0.1 Coefficients quantile 0.5 Coefficients quantile 0.9
Intercept -115.505029838761 -156.016079212433 -206.812935309598
Year 0.0590978034771958 0.0797932229814547 0.105919625346723
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
"______________________________ Management ______________________________"
## [1] "______________________________ Management ______________________________" <- prettySummary(pred.costtype.25$Management)
# adjust file path
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ordinary Least Square regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -41.8699109182845 12.389041160915 -3.37959252652868 0.00155322591144634
Year 0.0223953363369852 0.00623702994903359 3.59070527478473 0.000840807438103559
Adjusted R²
0.290793126632316 0.3069114646634
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Ordinary Least Square regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -2033.94255084315 2263.22135175241 -0.898693602933832 0.373939391447905
Year 2.02255328677198 2.27515469158555 0.888973964826307 0.379080482061596
Adjusted R²
0.295677643256896 0.327692295836128
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Linear
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -45.465163518976 15.1424756951875 -3.00249209139728 0.00444820485523086
Year 0.0241807231113921 0.0076245831540984 3.17141575121971 0.00279720002911644
Adjusted R²
0.420325806018833 0.433500219518405
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0.0810045951398613 0.863461592531261 0.962184914099026 0.982982105741942 0.999964700941953
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Robust regression - Quadratic
Estimate Standard error t value p-value
Intercept -3384.81306645313 1569.28726697328 -2.15691106254975 0.0367830531785806
Year 3.38184884354167 1.57605964928108 2.14576196090313 0.0377173960385713
Adjusted R²
0.386501025158076 0.414387342196346
Summary of model weights
Min 25% 50% 75% Max
0.0366208634124731 0.900695907099135 0.950316793432793 0.990424183716609 0.999999813618279
Number of outliers
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
(Intercept) 2.44011882793484
h(Year-2004) -0.12793838124346
h(Year-1989) 0.0633945281103967
Generalized R² Generalized Cross-Validation Root Sum of Squares
0.257114312200837 0.386044886116394 0.214177080668753 7.61518509044455
Variance model
Estimate Standard error (last iteration) Standard error/coefficient %
Intercept -0.494204389961856 0.487398149714687 98.6227883876761
Intercept 0.352227865922781 0.185739821768437 52.7328583960352
R² for last iteration
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Generalized Additive Models
Parametric coefficients
Estimate Standard error z value p-value
Intercept (mean) 2.74464921986815 0.0553898608416214 49.5514734676089 0
Intercept (sd) -1.21812534975943 0.115958602494781 -10.5048295128794 8.20709583343242e-26
Smooth terms
Estimated degree of freedom Residual degree of freedom Chi² p-value
smooth (mean) 4.7718290528099 5.75217717433698 54.9642402692054 0
smooth (sd) 2.62778040023576 3.21141480314004 14.8956606996087 0.0024799566325846
Explained deviance (%)
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Quantile regression
Coefficients quantile 0.1 Coefficients quantile 0.5 Coefficients quantile 0.9
Intercept -26.4524029726533 -51.8933184748162 -57.1142875796834
Year 0.0144626626733758 0.0273807870684787 0.030446993965438
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Model RMSE

"________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
## [1] "________________________________ Damage ________________________________"
##                  RMSE.calibration RMSE.alldata
## ols.linear              0.6904491    0.8699918
## ols.quadratic           0.6499642    0.7495925
## robust.linear           0.6991168    0.8621573
## robust.quadratic        0.6665810    0.7813917
## mars                    0.6199864    0.7255249
## gam                     0.6519571    0.7325923
## qt0.1                   1.0762641    1.0755920
## qt0.5                   0.6960889    0.8732677
## qt0.9                   1.4087360    1.7022995
"______________________________ Management ______________________________"
## [1] "______________________________ Management ______________________________"
##                  RMSE.calibration RMSE.alldata
## ols.linear              0.4370791    0.5139826
## ols.quadratic           0.4304768    0.4819343
## robust.linear           0.4394067    0.5163892
## robust.quadratic        0.4434196    0.4621144
## mars                    0.4113713    0.4208931
## gam                     0.3867199    0.4121480
## qt0.1                   0.5910992    0.5921148
## qt0.5                   0.4514046    0.5291704
## qt0.9                   0.9128215    1.0341218

Global appendix : RMSEs

ATTENTION Supprimer la valeur RMSE du modèle quadratique OLS global, car il est non significatif donc non évalué !

RMSEs <- data.frame(Global = global.trend$RMSE[, 1],
                    Plants = pred.impact$Plants$Plants$RMSE[, 1],
                    Invertebrates = pred.impact$Invertebrates$Invertebrates$RMSE[, 1],
                    Vertebrates = pred.impact$Vertebrates$Vertebrates$RMSE[, 1],
                    # Africa = pred.regions$Africa$RMSE[, 1],
                    # Asia = pred.regions$Asia$RMSE[, 1],
                    # Europe = pred.regions$Europe$RMSE[, 1],
                    # `Central America` = pred.regions$`Central America`$RMSE[, 1],
                    # `North America` = pred.regions$`North America`$RMSE[, 1],
                    # `Oceania-Pacific islands` = pred.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$RMSE[, 1],
                    # `South America` = pred.regions$`Oceania-Pacific islands`$RMSE[, 1],
                    Damage.25 = pred.costtype.25$Damage$RMSE[, 1],
                    Management.25 = pred.costtype.25$Management$RMSE[, 1]

RMSEs <- RMSEs[-grep("qt", rownames(RMSEs)), ]

Global Plants Invertebrates Vertebrates Damage.25 Management.25
ols.linear 0.4943647 0.8827656 0.3696940 0.9771180 0.6904491 0.4370791
ols.quadratic 0.4941152 0.6962406 0.3668752 0.9352001 0.6499642 0.4304768
robust.linear 0.5205157 0.9744516 0.3813940 0.9855533 0.6991168 0.4394067
robust.quadratic 0.5343973 0.8540153 0.3788097 0.9585592 0.6665810 0.4434196
mars 0.3834539 0.5877908 0.3085550 0.9064081 0.6199864 0.4113713
gam 0.4965620 0.6417153 0.3467522 0.9502886 0.6519571 0.3867199
# adjust file path
            "d:/r/projects/invacost_nature/data/RMSE.csv", sep = ";")

High margin with relaxed assumptions in a vein similar to Pimentel et al.

# Expanding and formating the database
# db.over.time.high <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#                                   startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_high_margin",
#                                   endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_high_margin")
# # global.raw <- calculateRawAvgCosts(db.over.time.high, minimum.year = 1970)
# global.pred <- costTrendOverTime(db.over.time.high, minimum.year = 1970)
# plot(global.pred, graphical.parameters = 
#   ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
#   theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
#       scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
#   scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
#                 labels = scales::comma) +
#   annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
#   guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
#          shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
#   theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
#         axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
#         axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
#         axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
#         panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
#         legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
#         legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
#         strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) 
# global.pred
# global.pred$estimated.annual.costs[which(global.pred$estimated.annual.costs$Year == 1998), ]

Global Appendix: Analyses for the revised manuscript

Difference between models with and without incompleteness weights

# Creating the vector of weights
year_weights <- rep(1, length(1960:2017))
names(year_weights) <- 1960:2017

# # Below 25% the weight does not matter because years will be removed
year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["25%"])] <- 0
# Between 25 and 50%, assigning 0.25 weight
year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["50%"]) &
               names(year_weights) < (2017 - quantiles["25%"])] <- .25
# Between 50 and 75%, assigning 0.5 weight
year_weights[names(year_weights) >= (2017 - quantiles["75%"]) &
               names(year_weights) < (2017 - quantiles["50%"])] <- .5

global.trend_weights <- modelCosts(
  db.over.time, # The EXPANDED database
  minimum.year = 1970, 
  maximum.year = 2017,
  final.year = 2017,
  # Some years are so incomplete that we eliminate with our 25% threshold (see above)
  incomplete.year.threshold = 2017 - quantiles["25%"], 
  # For the other incomplete years we apply the vector of weights that we defined above
  incomplete.year.weights = year_weights)

pg1 <- plot(global.trend, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) 
pg2 <- plot(global.trend_weights, graphical.parameters = 
  ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ millions"))) +
  theme_minimal() + xlab("Year") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = global.raw$year.breaks) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = 10^(-15:15),
                labels = scales::comma) +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l") +
  guides(col = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)),
         shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2))) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 14)) 

pleg <- cowplot::get_legend(pg1)
pg1 <- pg1 + theme(legend.position='none')
pg2 <- pg2 + theme(legend.position='none')

plot_grid(pg1, pg2, pleg, ncol = 2, align = "hv", labels = "auto")

matrix(data = scales::comma(c(global.trend$final.year.cost,
                     ncol = 2,
                     nrow = length(global.trend$final.year.cost),
       dimnames = list(names(global.trend$final.year.cost),
                       c("Without.weights", "With.weights")))
##                  Without.weights With.weights
## ols.linear       "91,980"        "123,981"   
## ols.quadratic    "102,621"       "255,141"   
## robust.linear    "46,823"        "38,086"    
## robust.quadratic "86,535"        "91,994"    
## mars             "162,719"       "5,639"     
## gam              "78,795"        "78,795"    
## quantile.0.1     "16,224"        "9,452"     
## quantile.0.5     "57,493"        "50,425"    
## quantile.0.9     "2,219,916"     "4,319,907"